Tuesday, September 30, 2008
indicator (ouch!)
Today, I had an aura. I'm taking it to mean the following:
1. I'm stressed (Dad)
2. I am still getting over my cold and I did too much at Zumba
3. I'm stressed (class)
4. I am stressed (new proposal)
Class this fall is going well, but it is a lot of work, but it's good and fun and YIPPEE. It's everything I imagined it would be and more. I'm teaching graduate students and they are great.
Subject change!
In first grade, Ms. FG is wonderful! We're doing a fun project and I have even more fun planned for the rest of the year... Think Zumba with first graders! Woo!
Monday, September 29, 2008
We don't know how well he'll recover. I think everyone is worried he'll recover just enough to live a long life in a nursing home and be depressed and very confused about everything.
It's a little overwhelming.
Manly Crocs
Sunday, September 28, 2008
weird cold
It is making me very tired.
It is making me make lots of grammatical and other silly mistakes. Forgive me? I probably should just go take a nap or something.
Ewww Gross
when she is offered a grub.
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Oh the tears!
Beautiful but dangerous
All of the beautiful red foliage in this picture is poison oak.
This was taken on the road where we used to live.
(From my iPhone!)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Little girls
The other morning, I had this realization that Three-a is older than oNe was when I found out I was pregnant with Three-a. It's crazy. I don't have babies any more. When oNe was Three-a's age, we thought she was so big. Now, Three-a, while bigger than she was last year, still seems little. She is way more sophisticated than oNe was at her age because of her sisters teaching her stuff. She listens and she learns.
oNe is in first grade now. I'm volunteering in her classroom once a week, just like I did in Kindergarten. The difference is this time, I don't have to do photocopying or cutting or coloring. I don't like to do those things, so I'm happy. This year, we're doing a fun class project. It's good! The boys in first grade are so much rougher and, um, boy-like than the kindergarten boys. oNe has learned the word "fart." I don't consider it a bad word, but it's not one we use. It was funny to watch her try it out in front of us to see if it was okay to say it. It was fine. I laughed when she said it and asked where she learned it.
I'm thinking she's also learned the word "wiener" and not as in hot dog. Four little boys were talking about their "wieners" the other day in line. Aie-yie-yie!
twoK is in Pre-K now and she's really going to town in learning to read and write. She makes upper and lower case letters now and writes really well. She also can sound words out and loves to play around with rhymes. We play the "which is bigger" game (with numbers) in the car all the time (e.g., 37 or 42?). (Just like oNe and I did when she was in PreK.) The other day, twoK asked a few questions about how you get babies in your belly. I answered with the traditional lines I gave oNe and she seemed satisfied. Then we were reading a book and she asked me what the thing was called in the front of boys for going to the bathroom. I told her the word. We're on our way to me needing to be prepared with some good answers.
Three-a is Preschool girl now. She says she doesn't like it, but when we running late on Friday, she said, "We've got to go to ________ now so we're not late." She's been playing on Starfall a lot lately. It means she's trying to figure out the relation between words and letters. She knows a lot of her letters now. Since she's baby number 3, I don't get a lot of time to sit with her and teach her stuff. It's a relief to know she's learning. (I had no doubts that she was learning, her sisters teach her a LOT, but it's nice to see!)
I don't have any complaints about the things the girls eat any more because of mixing vegetables in their fruit shakes and SuperFood too. I am glad the girls like these too!
Continuing interests:
twoK is totally interested in all things Barbie (we're not surprised).
Diego (Three-a mostly)
Thomas (Three-a mostly)
Kitties (all)
Babies (twoK and Three-a)
New interests:
The Lion King.
I also got this fun gold sparkly eyeliner pencil... It sounds like it could be, um, very sparkly, but if you only do one pass over the eyes it is subtle. I got it for K (4) to wear at N3nny's wedding. (It's that subtle.) K loves it and we'll use it for many special occasions (e.g., when she needs to feel fancy). I'll use it too on special occasions. It's barely noticeable, but it's fun to have a teeny bit of sparkle. (I should go back and buy another couple of the eyeliner pencils for future use because I know they'll disappear and then I'll be sad.)
Friday, September 26, 2008
I love it.
I knew I would.
Anyway, I've been on a quest for the perfect case for it. I have looked on so many web sites today. I even told a friend about my quest and she's been helping me search. I finally settled on this one. My requirements were, I wanted something to protect the screen and a way to wear it around my neck. I wish the case would have come in more fun colors. I wanted pink. Oh well. Someday I'll tell you about the color pink and my wardrobe. The good thing about that case is that it can go into other bags... It's small. Right now, I should go help MWH with the girls and getting them in bed.
My cold is a bit better I think... I'm not sure. I am exhausted. I guess I can't complain though. Not when I think about my Dad.
Dad continues to make VERY slow improvements physically. He's in the hospital still. He's very confused right now, and hopefully it's just from being in the hospital for 2 weeks, and major surgery. They are checking for infection to make sure that's not causing confusion. The surgeon thinks it is the former, but wants to make sure it's NOT the latter. Dad did more sitting up and a little more moving around today (still not walking). We'll just hope he continues to make slow progress in a positive way.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
It has begun
N (6.6) brought home the first cold of the season last Friday. She sniffled through the weekend. By Monday, she seemed good. Then T (3) got it. She was coming down with it Monday, downright miserable Tuesday, exhausted Wednesday and a great deal better today. N3nny and I seem to have it now. I started having a teeny bit stuffy nose on Tuesday night, but didn't even think about the fact that I might be getting a cold until Wednesday night. Today, I felt good when I got up, but had a drippy nose. Now I feel bleh. Hopefully I'll be better by Saturday. We think K had a touch of it.
I didn't notice I was getting sick because I had to travel for class. I'll tell you more about that soon. Right now, I'm going to go give little girls a bath.
Monday, September 22, 2008
when technology and jewelry meet
I got it on Saturday. I am so excited.
I love it.
I think I might need this if it's a product now.
Yea, I'm geeky.
Dad continues to be on too much mor*phi*ne. He may have something ELSE wrong with him.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Life's a ...
Sorry for the screaming, but I needed to do that.
Now, I kind of want to burst into tears. He's still on the slight upward trend, but at the rate he's going he might make it out of the hospital by the fourth of July in 2010.
I know it hurts. I know he'd hurt a lot less if he would have pushed himself harder when he was younger, even 6 months ago, but he always said it hurt too much to walk, or do things like lift weights. So he sat a lot.
You gotta get going. You gotta keep going. If you don't, you waste away. Our bodies were designed for movement and it even helps our brains too to move.
Go, take a walk... Do something extra for your body today. Even if it hurts. Make it hurt a little. It IS good for you. Last week, I only got to workout 2 times. One was a "wimpy" workout at home, but it was better than nothing. Today, I will make sure I get a medium work out in and then lift some weights. Tomorrow and Tuesday will be "hard" workouts. W-Th I'll get some wimpy ones, and then Friday I'll make sure to kick my own a@@. Just so you know, I don't run, but a lot of folks like it. I think I get a LOVELY kicka@@ in a way that is just as good (or better) than running through Zumba. (They really ought to pay me, eh?)
I firmly believe that Life is a B*@$&%. Many people don't like to workout, but I believe working out helps you kick the B*@$&% and ultimately makes life better. I don't think you should ever let yourself slow down. Keep pushing.
You can file this one as I'm on a soapbox, eh?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Dad continues to make slow progress. I hope he starts to cooperate a bit more. He'll make more progress if he listens a little. He views it that he's the expert of his body, and how can they possibly tell him anything he doesn't already know, but they do know some tricks that he doesn't know. Professionals in the field do know stuff. Now, to convince my Dad.
Sent from my iPhone (actually my husband's iPhone, but here's hoping I get one soon.)
Friday, September 19, 2008
Charmed distracted me for 2 hours yesterday while we were waiting for word on Dad. I needed something that didn't require much from me.
Speaking of Dad, slowly, he's perking up a little. It is very slow, with a huge emphasis on slow, but it is in the right direction. Keep the positive thoughts coming.
Sent via my BlackBerry
Thursday, September 18, 2008
hurry up and wait
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croc review
Dad is doing okay. It's so hard to believe that they are going to remove a part of his body today and then, theoretically, he will be better. Well, not right away, but hopefully it won't be too awful of a recovery. Good thoughts for him today if you have any. His surgery will be in 4-6 hours. Thank you.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
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En route
Bought a new pair of crocs at the airport. They are style "alice" color bronze if you want to play along at home. (www.crocs.com). I totally love my crocs. This is my 5th pair if you're keeping track. I find that after 6 months, I've worn off all the tread. I wear them all the time. My flip flop crocs are still good because I don't wear them that often. I wear my black mary janes nearly everywhere! (I'm on my 3rd pair of them.).
There you go. Full croc disclosure. Heh.
Last night, when I was packing, I asked MWH if I should take just my crocs or some real shoes too. He asked, "Why would you want to take anything other than your crocs?" (Or something very close to that.) Yup, he's addicted too. :-)
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Monday, September 15, 2008
i'm tired. stressed.
too tired and stressed for capitals it appears.
i will miss the girls and MWH so much. (hey! look! capitals!)
tonight, three-a was telling me how she'd marry diego. she loves that he's an animal rescuer. she says it with a dreamy look in her eyes. she loves that he has a rescue pack and so does he. match made in heaven.
i do want to go visit dad. i just will miss my girls and MWH.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
twoK (3.3) and oNe (6.6) are making clay dinosaurs, snakes and snowmen for a film. Claymation.
I got my hair cut yesterday. I grew all the layers out, and then after a couple of haircuts, I decided I wanted layers back. The hairdresser was dubious, but I convinced her. She loves the cut and I think I do too. You know, the day after a new cut, your hair can kind of look goofy? The goofiness is only slight this haircut so I imagine in a week, I'll absolutely love it.
This morning, we started gymnastics again. We're back to a routine (almost) for the fall. I can't believe it's mid-September. What all are you doing? Leave me a comment if I haven't heard from you in a while and let me know. (Alice, you there still?) Thinking good thoughts for my friend Ruth. We'll hope for mysterious quirk.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Should I be worried?
Um, "Why?" I asked. She wouldn't tell me. I played a game to see if she'd stuck it in her mouth, ear, nose, other orifice. She said she didn't, but didn't tell me why I should put it up high.
(Yea, I really should be doing work rather than blogging this.)
Much of it comes from doing the "big client meeting," and I'm working on the start of a proposal. I worked more than double the normal amount of hours I've been working at this week. I also did a lot of prep work for my class, yet I'm still behind. I have been on the phone a lot with my brothers because my Dad is having surgery soon.
I think the surgery is going to help, but it's scary when someone in their late 80s has surgery. I plan to fly home to be there BEFORE the surgery. Today has been rather roller coaster-ish because at first they said he'd have the surgery ASAP... Then they said Monday, and now they are saying Thursday--the day it was originally scheduled. When I go see my Dad, I won't be taking any of the girls with me and that's another thing that makes me stress!
Life is a little crazy in an emotionally worried way.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
On another note, T (3) is weaned. She would have been happy to keep nursing, and some might think I'm cruel to have stopped before she wanted to stop (fully--though she was close to stopping on her own), but I did stop. She has asked to nurse a handful of times. I have gotten her a Thomas sippy cup and she can have ice water in her crib (only a teeny bit) and she seems pretty happy about that. She's not cried but she's definitely whined and complained about not getting to nurse.
I've replaced some of the nursing closeness with silly-tickling games before bed. She laughs and laughs. I try to let her have the intimacy and my full attention, but without the lactation. She's had several changes in her life. No more nursing, starting preschool, her n3nny being gone for three weeks, but she's been a champion for the most part. She is really a good girl.
Work... See previous post
Sleep... Still not enough
Dad... Having surgery next week.
Mostly, want sleep.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
I'm tired. Taking oNe to school everyday by 9 am sucks. I like to get out of bed around 9. Instead, I have to be showered and dressed (or at least dressed) and I have to have oNe dressed. I have been getting up at about 7:40. I am tired. N3nny seems tired too. I imagine all the changes have left her a little discombobulated. The girls are tired and out of sorts too.
I went to oNe's class today to volunteer. I think we're going to do a fun project. I took this idea to the teacher and she liked it. It's a nice project that can incorporate many subjects in it and get many interesting conversations going. It could be fun. It will be lots of fun to work with Miss FG.
After my time in the classroom, as I was leaving, oNe cried and clung to me. That made me feel awful. My stress translated into me not handling the situation with oNe very well. I didn't yell, but I didn't handle it super well. I think partly the tired is to blame.
I just feel emotionally bleh. I know it's mostly because of the tired. I need to go to bed earlier than 12:30 am tonight.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Notes from the morning
He has edge detecting sensors, and I've only seen a tumble down the stairs happen once before (with Alfred the original). This morning, Alfr2d got a paper towel stuck under him. I think his edge detecting sensors were blocked. Alfr2d seems okay. He's cleaning the kitchen floor now.
2. Little girls and I spent an hour sorting toys into the correct bins where they belong this morning. It's a LOT better, but there is still a long way to go. I need to get new big bins for 1) doll clothes and 2) barbie stuff. I'm not pleased about the barbie stuff, but I view it as sort of inevitable. (Unfortunately.) I played with Barbies, and I turned out okay. I'm setting a positive example by eating well and exercising. The little girls don't know what the word "diet" means. (They know the meaning of the food you intake, but they don't know the meaning of calorie reduction.) I'm sure twoK (4.25) will learn what it means before oNe (6.6). twoK is like that. She's much more worldly and sophisticated.
3. I can't wait until n3nny gets back!
4. My new students ... 75% of them are excellent (thus far). There is one who is clearly ahead of the rest, but s/he doesn't realize it. I think this class is going to be a lot of fun. It's a going to keep me out of trouble, that's for sure.
5. We had so much fun at a last summer bash yesterday. I'll write more about it on the other blog (most likely, if I get time).
6. Our cabinet maker finally came over yesterday (I emailed him at the BEGINNING OF THE SUMMER). We'll hopefully get our cabinets and bookshelves by October. (Good grief, everything takes forever!) (And I still have to work on the c-project paper too... it's about where it was at the beginning of the summer... Actually, that's not quite true. I think it's going to be much better now that we have a new way to do data analysis to write about. Woo!)
7. Our dishwasher is not working. The motor seized. Fortunately, we bought an extended warranty when we bought our refrigerator, dishwasher, oven and stove which will make this repair free! The only problem, and we don't know if it is a problem yet or not, is to schedule with the company that does it. They only work M-F. I sure hope they can fix it tomorrow. We have a large pile of dishes, and our new strategy is to go out and get food or use napkins for eating. Tonight, I think MWH and I have to wash dishes by hand. (I've not done this since, hrm.... at least 12 years.)
Friday, September 05, 2008
This post brought to you by...
File this post under BORING to everyone but me.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Cuteness in pretend
T: Yes. It will take a long time.
T: Would you like to try my rocket? It's really fun.
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I have ...
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Where do they learn these things?
Where did she learn the word slay?
I'm guessing video, but wow, that's quite the word for a 4-year-old, wouldn't you say?
Boy, I am hard to work with sometimes. Mostly, I just don't want to deal with the, um, B.S. for lack of a better term. I'd rather do something good for me. My attitude has been changing over the last year. It's because of MWH. I tell him he is spoiling me. He is. It's good though, I spoil him too. Anyway, the meeting is a meeting with a client when we're pitching an unsolicited idea. A cold sales call meeting is NOT my idea of fun.
It will be good for me to talk about my ideas with the client, but I don't want to miss Zumba. I also don't know if I want to lead a project if the client likes my ideas. I don't have a lot of time. I can't tell work that I don't want to do this, and maybe it doesn't make sense for me to do it. (PS? Thoughts?) The chances that the client will want to give us lots of money are very slim. Most likely, and it's the worst case scenario, they'll want me to write a paper or make a plan for them for a very miniscule amount of money. Sigh. I shouldn't have gone to the meeting yesterday. I just don't have enough time. Theoretically, in January, I'll have a little more time. (Probably the other unspoken thing, is amount of interest... I don't have a lot of interest in developing something for this client. I would rather do a LOT of other things.)
If I become a Zumba teacher, then I have to be in class and I could skip meetings.
Did I tell you my Zumba teacher teaches more than 20 classes a week? I asked her how many calories she has to eat a day and she doesn't know, but guessed about 5,000. She is totally skinny and buff. I don't want to have to eat 5,000 calories a day, but my new goal is to work out at least 8 hours a week. I'm at 3-5 a week now depending on how the week goes. I need to get back to doing weights again. Since I discovered Zumba, I don't really do weights. Zumba has a workout with weights on their DVD and I need to get lighter weights and try it.
(I have some light weights somewhere, but I can't find them. I've looked a bit for them, but I need to get more organized. This morning, I said to MWH, I need a new filing system. I have papers spread out all over the floor in my room. He laughed and said, "If you just shove them all to the right it will be a better system. Heh. Maybe later, when I download the camera, I'll post a picture I took of the mess. Would you like that?)
Okay... this is a random post and I don't have time to organize it, nor do I really want to take to organize it. I have to organize other things (see above). I think the post is a little, um, stream-of-conscience-y because 1) I am still worried about Dad. I think he needs to go back in the hospital so we can get a better picture of what is wrong and 2) K and T start school soon (I have to get them ready!).
I can't believe my baby, T, is starting. N started preschool right after T was born. That was 3 years ago. How did three years go by so quickly? T went with me as I enrolled N. T was in the infant car seat. One of my friends described the infant car seat as a "really heavy purse." I laughed at the accurate (to me) description.
Okay, rambling now. It happens.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Slow down
I find that I make mistakes when I don't take the necessary time. I find that others do too. I found that I made myself look "dumb" when I replied to an email too quickly. I almost did it again, but fortunately, I waited. For my class, I think I will require myself to take a day to respond to messages that come in via email or online.
I find that when I'm rushed, I am also less patient. I want to be more in-control. I don't want to bark at the girls.
Slow. Breathe. Smile.
I'll use those words to help me.
I need to internalize them and then make make them mine. Make them the strategy I turn to first.
I like fast. I like crazy. I like chaos, but I want to be able to be calm and in control in chaos and not just react to it.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Preschool and PreKindergarten
The little girls are growing up. Even though they aren't in "official" school, I very much feel they grow up when they go to this Preschool/PreK. They learn so much, and they love it.
twoK is so excited to go back to school! "Is it tomorrow Mama?" She's been asking for a week.
Tonight, twoK and Three-a played on Starfall.com (great prereading site) and discussing the letters and the sounds they make it made my heart swell with pride.
I didn't have a sister or even siblings close to my age so I love watching this. Of course I became a big puddle of Mommy-goo when they said this.