Monday, September 15, 2008


tomorrow i go visit dad.

i'm tired. stressed.

too tired and stressed for capitals it appears.

i will miss the girls and MWH so much. (hey! look! capitals!)

tonight, three-a was telling me how she'd marry diego. she loves that he's an animal rescuer. she says it with a dreamy look in her eyes. she loves that he has a rescue pack and so does he. match made in heaven.

i do want to go visit dad. i just will miss my girls and MWH.


Anonymous said...

:::Hugs::: Have a good, safe trip, my friend. I really do not like leaving my family either. It's tough to leave them, I know.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Lots of good thoughts to him and your family.

I can relate to your feelings of stress - I feel like my head is about to blow!