I told you I got the new iPhone.
I love it.
I knew I would.
Anyway, I've been on a quest for the perfect case for it. I have looked on so many web sites today. I even told a friend about my quest and she's been helping me search. I finally settled on this one. My requirements were, I wanted something to protect the screen and a way to wear it around my neck. I wish the case would have come in more fun colors. I wanted pink. Oh well. Someday I'll tell you about the color pink and my wardrobe. The good thing about that case is that it can go into other bags... It's small. Right now, I should go help MWH with the girls and getting them in bed.
My cold is a bit better I think... I'm not sure. I am exhausted. I guess I can't complain though. Not when I think about my Dad.
Dad continues to make VERY slow improvements physically. He's in the hospital still. He's very confused right now, and hopefully it's just from being in the hospital for 2 weeks, and major surgery. They are checking for infection to make sure that's not causing confusion. The surgeon thinks it is the former, but wants to make sure it's NOT the latter. Dad did more sitting up and a little more moving around today (still not walking). We'll just hope he continues to make slow progress in a positive way.
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