Saturday, April 21, 2007

The magic of 3

Today, K (2.9) went to her 3rd by-herself gymnastics class.

The first one... Oh my.... I started to write about it, but I couldn't even publish the write-up. Let's just summarize by saying, there was lots of screaming. Lots. Class is 40 minutes long... At least 3/4's of that class was screaming. I let her scream. I did not think leaving was the answer. I know my girls.

If we hadn't stayed and screamed through the first class, we would have had to scream through the second class. Call it conservation of screaming or whatever you want... That's the way my girls are. They have a certain amount of screaming they need to do.

The second class... Much less screaming. A lot of drama, but much less screaming. Probably only 1/8th of the class--maybe 1/4. It was painful still, but less painful.

The third class... I figured it would be a lot better today. I work with people (kids and adults) on novel tasks. I have found that after the third time they do something, regardless of what it is, it gets a lot better. Significantly. Qualitatively.

In addition, to make sure class 3 was better, I came up with the perfect bribe for K. I told her if she didn't cry at all, cooperated, and did her whole class that we would go to The Mue-Z-em. She's been wanting to go for a while now, but I haven't felt up to it.

Anyway, it worked.... #3 class and the bribe... She did EVERYTHING. She was enthusiastic (almost too enthusiastic on the trampoline.... she almost bounced off a couple of times). At one point, she yelled to me, "Mommy, I'm so excited." I said, "I can tell!"

She also said, "I don't need a teacher any more... I can do class all by myself." She did do great. She even tried walking backwards on the high beam (while hold her teacher's finger). Very impressive. I was very proud.

After class, we ate lunch and then I packed up the two older girls and Grandma and headed to the Mue-Z-em. Daddy and Grandpa had the easy job and stayed with little T (20 months) whild she napped at home. It was fun and crazy at the Mue-Z-em. But I must say...Two are easier than 3! 1 is easier than 2, and 2 are easier than 3. I have no doubt that 3 are easier than 4, but we're not going to find out first hand. I'll have to look to my friend KH to know for sure. Fun with numbers.

Also, another magical three thing... The 3rd night my parents were here (last night) T slept through the night! Woo-hoo. I didn't get woken up! I am feeling much better now. Still tired, but much better.

Okay... Must go figure out dinner now. Any ideas?


RUTH said...

On Saturday my sister rang up and asked if her two girls (3 and 5) could come and hang out with H & K (4 and 4) for a few hours. D took the call and agreed and then went shopping.

The amazing thing is that, in the same way that two 4 year-olds is actually easier than one (when they aren't overtired), four 4-plus-or-minus-1 year-olds turned out to be easier than two. Of course not living together does effect this dynamic. But still - who'd have guessed?

Now I want to know what the mathematical function for this effect is.

RUTH said...

Oops that should read "in the same way that two 4 year-olds is actually easier than one plus one"