Sunday, August 13, 2006


I am FINALLY feeling like maybe I'll make a recovery. This cold though it hasn't been too bad, made me feel like it was never going to go away. The fact that I didn't feel better on Friday than I had on Thursday was bringing me down. The fact that I kind of felt worse on Saturday than Friday, was REALLY bringing me down. However, this morning, I woke up and felt qualitatively better.

I love that word.... Qual-i-ta-tive. It's one of my favorite research words. It's not just a matter of degree, it's a WHOLE different quality.

It's like the difference between pregnant and not pregnant. (For the record, I am NOT pregnant!)

It's not a measure of more or less, it's a completely different state....

Like sick and NOT SICK!!!!

I'm finally feeling like I might be healthy again! I still have to improve in a quantitative way to feel all the way like me again, but I feel qualitatively better! My husband said, "You didn't complain today."

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