Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thursday night

I think there was something in the air today... Miss K (28 months) seemed exhausted and was NO fun. She cried for 40 minutes. She was crying because, "She wanted to go to our nanny's house to do a sleep over." Yea, right.

I tried every parenting trick there was. After a little SGR Girl she started crying that she needed a bath (and boy did she!) and then during the bath she seemed to snap out of the crying funk she was in. She's now happily reading books with her daddy and sister N.

Miss N (4 and 2/3s) was just a really good girl tonight. I think we're entering a new phase. Where Miss K is the really really really difficult one, where Miss T (1 year 1 month) is difficult and Miss N is pretty good. Last year, Miss N was pretty darn difficult. Very difficult. I am not sure that we'll ever have a phase where they are all easy going.

Miss T is exhausted tonight. She hardly napped. She's been crying (in her crib) for the last 10 or so minutes. Ahhh... As I typed it, she quieted down. I'm exhausted. I need to go do 3 more emails.

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