Thursday, September 28, 2006

One more

Here's another short entry....

A. The 4-hour presentation, it went well. It is over. It was a video conference.

B. I am happy to report that in addition to the content of the video conference being good, my hair, it was good (remember I have to see myself on the other monitor the entire time). My hair stylist is MY BEST FRIEND right now. I am doing nothing but washing it and combing it out. I am not drying it. I am not curling it. I am not futzing with it in any way and it looks decent. I still liked it after seeing it on the monitor for 4 hours.

C. The other thing (yesterday for work) went well too. I have to do it again today though.

D. I am horrified. I just realized I forgot to answer someone's email and I need to do it.

E. I have ~190 emails to read and probably 20 to really answer (a lot are just read then delete). That is just because I didn't do a lot Tuesday (supposed to have been off) and Wednesday in meetings for SEVEN hours.

F. Haven't found the notebook yet. My friend (DM) and I came up with a plan though. If I don't find it, we decided I should just quit my job. It made me feel better to have a back-up plan. I don't need the notebook until spring/summer '07 when I will be doing that analysis again. That gives me lots of time to find it, or find a new job. (Heh.)

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