Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Work is busy!

Work is busy, but in a fun way this week. I was in a video conference today and I learned that my hair is a little out of balance... We didn't discuss this in the video conference, but with video conferencing technology (at least what we have at my work), you see the other site and your site on a split screen monitor in front of you.

So basically I was watching myself (and the other site) for an hour. I had a lot of time to examine my hair. Call me vain, but admit it, you would have done the same. My hair is parted on the side, and I've been trying to find a person to do the PERFECT hair cut for the last few years. I know that I can't find the perfect person cause I am difficult to please, and my hair is hard to cut. I usually like the hairdresser the first few times and then I don't, and then I stop going to the person and find a new one. I've never "broken up" I've just stopped going. (Does that make me a bad person?)

I've gone through at least 6 hairdresses in 8 years. This current one, I can't decide. I'm giving him a little longer since we've been dealing with some issues that the previous person cut into my hair. I probably won't know for sure until June or July what the verdict is on him. Anyway, the left side of my hair (where the part is) is much bouncier and nicer looking than the right side (where I sweep the extra hair to). I don't know why, but the right side, even though it has more hair on it (the extra hair from the left), is just flatter and not as nice to look at.

I maybe should have spent longer than 5 minutes doing my hair this morning given that we had this video conference. I'm sure my hair looked "fine." One thing I've learned over the years is that no one really looks at you. You are your own worst critic. People just kind of accept who you are when they see you, for the most part. At least this is what I kind of learned when I was pregnant. Each time I was pregnant, I was sure that people could instantly tell that I was pregnant. I was sure they could tell my stomach was bulging and my boobs were bigger and I had that glow too right?

Well, each time I announced my pregnancy everyone was always surprised. I waited until I was 16 + weeks with number 3 when I announced it and people were still surprised. I was so showing, or at least to me I was. But that's the point I'm trying to make, people just don't notice little changes for the most part. Some people do, but most don't. Or at least the people with whom I work don't.

Bottom line, I don't like my hair, but everyone else probably thinks it is fine. (Should I have asked the people in the video conference today? Kidding!)

File under Boring, Lesson Learned, and then elaborated on until everyone else was really really really bored.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a Computer Science lecturer at university who was pregnant, very pregnant. She was a tiny woman who looked like she had an enormous pillow stuffed up her shirt. When we got a new lecturer half way through the term I was not the least surprised, but none of my friends, who had sat and stared at this woman with me for a few hours every week for months, had noticed she was pregnant. Admittedly they were pretty geeky guys but still - what were they doing with their eyes?