Sunday, August 20, 2006

Happy Blogoversary to me!

It's been a year. T is one year now, and so is this blog. I started it when she was two days old.

When I started this blog, I was just playing around with the technology. I needed to learn more about blogs for work actually. I had played around with blogging technology before (in 2004) and didn't really have anything compelling me to write. I cancelled that first attempt at a blog.

I've kept a journal for the girls since I got pregnant with N (and backed it up with a lot of info from the Trying To Conceive time) 'cause someday I figured the girls might be interested. (Or not since I am their mother, and what the heck would I know! And because then they'd have to acknowledge that their father and I had s......... oh my gosh they won't even want to go there! (honestly, can YOU think about your parents and sex without getting the hebbie-jebbies?) But maybe they'll want to know about their babyhood/toddlerhood and childhood.)

Last year, when I started playing around with this blog technology, I thought I might actually have something to write about since I was getting ready to have my third little girl in less than 4 years time. I thought 3 little girls might give me some good fodder. I have no idea if it's interesting, but it's my life and I write it mostly for me, my husband and my girls. So we don't forget this crazy and wonderful time.

Apparently 3 little girls is a good subject for me... I have written 753 posts (754 if you add this one). Good grief. I must really have needed this blogging thing!

Even though this blog is mostly a navel gazing one, through the blog I've met some wonderful and lovely people I consider friends. It's fun to leave comments and get to know people.

In addition to playing around with blogging to understand the technology, I started 'cause another friend (from real life) thought it would be a good way to keep up with each other. Another friend, joined in the blogosphere when I told her about my blog. I was glad! It does make it easier to keep up with each other's crazy lives!

I've been anonymous, but in the last few weeks I gave the link of this to a couple of friends who aren't blogosphere folks. One is my dear friend who just went abroad and I miss! It's going to be hard to communicate in real time because of the 9 hour time difference, but through email and some Skype we'll be in touch. She'll be back during the holidays and I'm excited. We're going to the spa! We will deserve it!

The other person I recently gave my URL to is a friend I work with and we get pedicures together. (I'm excited about Tuesday--we get one! I'm taking my almost 81 year old Mom for her FIRST PEDICURE.) I also have shared this blog with another friend and colleague because she has a little girl and her husband has a blog (but I don't have the URL handy or at all even). Other people I have shared this with include a college friend, but I don't know if she's reading it, and an email pal who has a kitty with the same illness that my precious cat had. Anyway, I'm digressing, but this is my blogoversary entry so I can do what I want! (It's my party and I'll ramble if I want to... )

This t-shirt (found on Nino's blog) cracks me up. I don't feel it totally applies because I only tend to publish things on the web that I would share with other people in conversation. I do chuckle when I think about how I CAN'T STOP MYSELF FROM POSTING though! (Geez... 753 posts... IN ONE YEAR???? I NEED HELP! Seriously!) I run around a lot living my life and wondering if things that happen are "blog worthy." Kind of silly huh?

So back to the t-shirt....even though I'd talk about all of this stuff in real life, I probably wouldn't talk about all of the stuff I write with one person. I'd probably talk about most of it with my husband until his eyes crossed and steam shot out of his ears. He can't talk pedicures or clothes without that happening. I guess some of my friends know most of this stuff, but it does seems like I'm sort of naked and exposed here. It's not that I think of these as private thoughts, but I think of them as thoughts that are in "different dimensions" and that one person wouldn't want to know all of them. Is that odd? What do you think? Is blogging just an ODD thing to do? It kind of is. But it's fun. I really like the term escribitionist.

I tend to think of this blog as an external memory device. The blog lets my ephemeral thoughts become more permanent. Or at least that's the goal. Though I had a journal, I think the blog encourages me to write in a more interesting style. (If you think I'm boring here, you ought to read my journal... it's COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY A DOCUMENTARY. It's not even written in complete sentences. It strictly recorded the facts and never made connections.)

Anyway, if you read me, make a comment and wish me a happy blogoversary... I'd love it. (even comment anonymously--you can do that) and let me know you're out there.

So will I make it to blogoversary two? Make a bet as to how many posts you think I'll make in the next year... Will I do more than 753 or fewer? Bets taken now. Winners announced 8/20/2007.


Mrs. CP said...

Happy First Blogoversary! I'm so glad you invited me into your blogosphere and encouraged me to start blogging too! I can relate to thinking about things that happen and wondering if they are "blog worthy" :-). I love reading your blog and it has definitely helped us keep in touch better again (remember our spages??) :-). I bet you'll make it over your post count for this year too!


Anonymous said...

Happy Blogoversary! Last year, when you started up your blog, I didn't even know what a "blogoversary" was! I didn't know too much about blogs at that point either. I just knew that my friend Kate read them all the time. I think they are a great external memory device, as you call it. And you can vent, ask for advice, or just do some silly meme for fun! I enjoy reading yours and am delighted to be referred to as "lovely"! Keep on blogging! I KNOW you'll surpass 1000 posts. hee hee hee

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogoversary! I have been reading your posts for several months now. I can't even remember how I came across your blog but it definately keeps me entertained. Thanks!

I look forward to more posts in 2007. I am going to guess 812.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 1st blogoversary and many more in the years to come.