Saturday, August 19, 2006

Crazy Saturday

1. My parents (over 80) are visiting. It's like having 5 kids.

2. I have to get ready for T's first birthday party tomorrow. I haven't done a single thing yet. I have to figure out food, make an ice cream cake, buy favors... and about a million other things most likely, but I haven't had a chance to think yet!

3. We just went to N's (4.5) gymnastic class. She does so well. She concentrates, she works hard, I am very proud. Most of the time she's a spaz, and because of the spaz qualities, she's often a klutz. She falls so often and says, "I'm okay" so automatically she's often saying, "I'm okay" before she's down actually. It cracks me up.

4. My husband (MWH) is out buying supplies for the remodel. We're buying all the stuff for the electrical wiring and lighting part. Woo-hoo! Let there be light.

5. K (27 months) is still potty training. It's so funny... She is the EXACT opposite of N in almost everyway... Potty training included. N didn't even start until she was about 29 or 30 months and then she learned to be dry really fast. K has NO concept of dryness, but "poops on the potty" like a champ! It took until N was 3 years 2 months to learn to do that.

(Heh, I said poop here. It's a mommy-blog, it's okay.)

6. I should probably stop blogging now. K is running around without a diaper because she just did #5 and I should probably go put a diaper on her. T is napping and N is playing in her room. My parents are downstairs and I should probably "step away from the computer."

(If you missed yesterday's post about T, keep reading! Happy Birthday T!!!!!)

1 comment:

Mrs. CP said...

N is potty training too, except the other way around. He only pees in it, but doesn't poop. He tried to poop a couple of times, but he'd get too excited and wanted to watch it come out and he'd stand up at the last second and end up pooping on the floor! Oh, probably more than you wanted to know! Oh, and he also does the "I'm okay, I'm okay" thing when he falls - it's soo funny.

Hope the big party goes well today! Can't wait to see all the pictures!