Note to self...
I must never think that life will ever calm down. I must never think that life will ever calm down. I must never think that life will ever calm down. I must never think that life will ever calm down. I must never think that life will ever calm down. I must never think that life will ever calm down. I must never think that life will ever calm down. I must never think that life will ever calm down. I must never think that life will ever calm down. I must never think that life will ever calm down.
I don't think I thought that life would calm down... Maybe I did for a fleeting second, but I swear, I was thinking way out... Like next January... Not NOW. I TAKE IT BACK. I ACCEPT THAT LIFE WILL FOREVER BE INSANE. I embrace it. I love my insanity. Insanity is fun! Fun!
There's just so much going on here that I can't breathe.
The good things ... Miss N LOVES the planet Saturn. And why wouldn't she since it has all those seductive rings. She calls it Satur. Tonight she and I surfed the web looking at all the planets. It was fun. Four year olds are fun!
Miss T is pretty much a walker. She's taken 10 steps in a row many times and she's starting to get confident. She's got the balance and ability, but she does need more confidence. I could have declared her a walker on her 11 month birthday because she did 10 steps, but I didn't. She can walk, but she prefers to crawl still. I think that's why I don't call her a walker totally... (you'll notice I said pretty much). In the last couple of days she's seemed to want to walk more. She's attempted to traverse a distance (usually less than 5 feet) while walking rather than automatically dropping to her feet. I have also successfully captured 10 steps on video and if I get a second someday I'll post it on the web. (I would bet I won't get a chance to do this until after this week.)
Miss K (26 months) is so sweet and so smart and still sleeping with me at night. "Sleep with you Mommy!"
My husband is wonderful.
It's no longer as hot here. Still hot, but more of a normal hot. Not the flesh melting heat we had over the weekend.
These (above) are the good things in my life.
I have a long post in which I belabor the point that is stressing me almost written. You'll just have to wait.
Other stuff...
Work is busy but good, but busy. Did I mention busy?
My friend is leaving in just a few days. I am sad.
My Mom is getting a pacemaker in a few days so please think good thoughts for her. She and my Dad are supposed to come visit in August and her cardiologist said that the procedure for the pacemaker won't stop her from making the trip. I hope he's right. I was surprised at how minimal of a surgery (the link explains about it) it is for a pacemaker. I hope that the pacemaker helps her. My Mom just had another procedure done last Friday... I'll fill you in on that later. I am worried about her.
The NB is sick again. At least she called to give me warning this time and didn't just come infect us all. The cold she gave us the last time knocked my husband flat for 2 weeks. The sucky thing is that I have something I NEED to do for work tomorrow and I NEED someone. My other nanny is with the other family.
I also had plans with my friend (tomorrow night) who is leaving and now I'm not sure if I'll be able to go given NB's cold... Unless the stars align and I can get someone else to help tomorrow night. (One person can't do it and I just emailed a second... There's a third possibility, but I don't really want to use her.) Arrgh! Always something.
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