Thursday, June 15, 2006

T-Talk (Edited)

T's almost 10 months old and these are the things she's saying (in addition to tickle...)

When you make a shhhh sound, she'll make it back. I don't think she knows what it means, but she can make it.

She'll make a k sound when we say kitty... She loves our cat. One morning she woke up saw our kitty and began crawling towards him saying "tickle tickle." Very fun. This morning she and I were looking at a book about kitties and I swear she said "ki-cat."

She kind of makes a meowing sound sometimes when you show her a stuffed kitty or a picture of a kitty. It doesn't have a "m" in it but it's sort of a high pitched "ow" sound which is how K used to meow when she was young.

She isn't quite clapping, but it's getting closer. Today she was clapping puzzle pieces together. She's really good at banging objects on the floor.

Yesterday, in the grocery store, she was very intrigued by the picture of the cow on the Parmesan Cheese. I entertained her by saying, "The cow says, MOOOOOOO," and showing her the cheese bag for a very long time. We talked about cows again at home before bed looking at all the stuffed cows that N (4) has and pictures in books. Based on her reaction to "MOOOOOO," I wouldn't be surprised if she said it soon.

I swear she's said "yellow." (Other people have heard this too. It's not just me.) (And the older two girls love their yellow blankets so it could be that T is expressing a desire for a "yellow" too.) (She currently has a "pink" blanket.)

She plays peek-a-boo and the nanny swears she said "pee-boo" the other day when she was playing peek-a-boo.

We're trying to teach her the sign for "all done" and the one for "more" so that she'll be able to communicate with us at mealtime. Right now, when she's done eating she does a pterodactyl screach. Did I tell you that that's her nickname? (Actually it's her name combined with pterodactyl... ) We used to call K "banshee babe" when she'd scream. T is not a banshee she's a T__dactyl. The screams of a banshee and a T__dactyl are different.

The screams of a T--dactyl are close to the sound of metal scraping metal and sometimes when she shrieks when I'm driving I think I've hit something. I especially get freaked when I'm backing up and she shrieks.

She just loves to laugh. She's really a little ham.


She's totally cruising while holding on to objects. She'll pull up on something and let go and she can bend down too. If she's on the same schedule for walking as her sisters she'll walk right around 11 months. She's been on the same schedule for other physical developments so far so we will see. She pushes the pink toy doll stroller by "walking" on her knees and holding on to it--hilarious.

I just love watching all the new developments. I try to record them, but it's so hard to catch them sometimes.

Edited to add:

NOT EVEN 10 minutes after I pushed publish on this post T walked behind the little doll stroller. Honest -to-gosh walking. She took about 8-10 steps and didn't falter or stumble at all. When her daddy got home she re-created it by taking 4 steps behind the stroller. My baby is almost walking!

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