Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Random Stuff

I spoke to my Mom this past Sunday and had a long chat with her and once again, it was a bit depressing. A family friend had a massive stroke. Everyone knows life is unpredictable, but when people are older it becomes even more uncertain day-to-day.


My back is feeling much better. It's still not all the way there yet, but it is getting better. Because of this, I made a decision to try every other week on the massage and only one chiropractor's visit a week. It's really hard to carve out time for 2 trips to the chiropractor (about 40 minutes total including driving time) plus another hour on one of those visits for a massage. We'll see if my back continues to improve with the less frequent visits or if I'll need to go back to 2 visits a week, and the massage every week.


T has another tooth. She's 5.5 months and the first one on the top (top right) finally broke through today. This brings her to a grand total of 3. The two front on the bottom and the first top one. The second one on the bottom came through shortly after I wrote that post on 1/10. The two on the bottom are now pretty much out all the way. The top right one has just broken through the top left one will be breaking through any second now it looks like. The next two on the top are showing their outlines in the gums now. K (21 months) also got her teeth really early. N didn't. N's first tooth came in when she was about 9 months. And no, breastfeeding a baby with teeth doesn't hurt. It only hurts when they chomp down and it can hurt a lot if they chomp down and don't have any teeth.

I do have to say that nursing a 21 month old (K) with a full set of chompers does feel a bit dangerous. She's very gentle though now after The incident. One night, not too long ago, she giggled and then she bit me, not hard, but it hurt. A lot. It's a very sensitive area. I shrieked when it happened, stopped the nursing session, and told her there will be no more nursing ever if she does that again. She cried when I said that. Since then, she's approached me with such care and gentleness that it's kind of funny. Sweet K.


What else... Oh, I made a decision... I'm only going to work on projects that I really really really like from now on, or at least for the next 6 months. When I want to work more I'll probably be less choosy, but for now, I think I need to be very selective. I want to hang with the girls and I have quite a bit of unpaid time coming to me before T's first birthday because of maternity leave. I want to use it! (Or at least that's what I'm thinking now.)

Okay, T wants me to stop typing and snuggle so she can go to sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BE CHOOSY! (or cheesy, your choice).
You've given them a lot. It's time to be selective for a while.