Sunday, April 30, 2017


oNe is old enough to start learning to drive this summer... While this will be helpful, it's so scary!

She's not super excited to learn to drive, but she rides horses and it will be great for her to be able to drive herself to the stables and home.  It's a drive on the freeway, but the freeway isn't busy most of the time when she goes so it'll be a nice way to learn to drive.

By next summer, she could be the one to take herself there and back each day for the camp where she wants to help.  (This summer, we'll have to drive her to and from camp.  While it's not out of my way to go there by too much, I wouldn't be driving there at the times she needs to be dropped off and picked up.)

(She will volunteer at the camp this year--who knows if she'll like it, but I am guessing she will.)

Not the most exciting post, but I want to document just how crazy this milestone is... The first kid doing something new is ALWAYS scary and exciting.   Somehow, I think this driving thing will always be scary and exciting, regardless of the kid.  DRIVING....IT'S a huge responsibility!  It's GROWN UP.  

How did we get here?  I guess I missed the 11th anniversary of this blog.  Happy late blogoversary to me... I'll be shocked if I don't miss the 12th one in August.  School will have just started and it will be very busy with a new schedule.  The new school year always kicks me in the bottom, and we'll be rather busy getting ready for a conference at work. 

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