Friday, May 19, 2017

I want a day off

And a day off for my head.  I feel a little like I've been whining about this year; I don't know how much it's been out loud versus in my head, but I've been feeling meh.  Whine, whine, whine.  Nothing specific, but I am overwhelmed.

I am looking forward to the end of school. That will help. twoK's had a tough year in math.  She's in advanced math and she has never loved math.  When they placed her there I was a little concerned but figured we could do it.  Well, we'll survive and limp over the finish line.  We'll make sure she has a good tutor ALL year next year (and the next year and the next or for as long as it takes....)  We have been working with her, but we just got a good tutor and it's making a huge difference.  twoK was resistant, but now she is happy we have the tutor.

twoK is 13 now!  Wow!  She is so smart and witty (even in math, she just doesn't like it).  She's a beautiful dancer and we love our sweet K cat!

oNe and Three-a are good... I need to do a post on what all they are up to, but not today.  Today, I am whining.  That's the purpose of this post.

I totally want a day off... And permission to do NOTHING.  I need to give myself that permission.  After June 3, I can (for a day or two).  And in June, we'll go on a trip to see family and friends so that will be fun.

okay... deep breath... Suck it up for just a little longer.

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