Monday, August 20, 2007

Happy Blogoversary to me...

Can you believe it??? Two years... Me... Blogging... Can I just say I love it here? I love blogging! I love all of you who read! Who knew?! I would have never guessed.

For me, blogging is such good therapy. It also is necessary to help me remember all the details of my life that otherwise would be gone. I love this time with the little girls. But it's crazy. Most of the time, I love it because they are so cute and it's crazy in a good way. Sometimes, I need to remember the challenges that go along with 3 little girls. It's a little odd to put things out on the web for all to read, but I'm okay with it now. I don't write EVERYTHING. I've learned what I'm comfortable writing and not. I sometimes try to abstract the gist of the experience and not record the details. I sometimes write a post and don't publish it. (I sure hope Google isn't saving them in a database that's easy to hack!) I sometimes start to write a post, realize that I'm annoying even myself with the whining, and I stop. I then work to let go of the stress. It's all good.

I don't have a lot of new insight from myblogoversary post last year... (go read if you haven't!) I do want to revisit what I said at the end though...
From last year...

So will I make it to blogoversary two? Make a bet as to how many posts you think I'll make in the next year... Will I do more than 753 or fewer? Bets taken now. Winners announced 8/20/2007.

Here are the stats...
1684 posts total (many unpublished....) Last year the total unpulished was 753 (in August), in the last year, I created 931 more posts.

Here are the published posts stats

375 for this year (2007)
622 for last year (all of 2006)
392 for last year through August 2006
89 for 2005 (Aug-Dec)

I'm actually blogging a little more than last year (Aug '05 - Aug '06) I believe.... I'm very consistent... We'll see what next year brings though because I started a new family blog. It's getting some of the "cute" little girl stories that would normally go here. 41 so far since June, so believe in total, I'm blogging as much (a little more actually), but not in one place. If you want to see the other blog, email me (virtual_jk theatsign yahoo dot com) and let me know. I am restricting access to it, but it's not private, but I am not posting the URL here.

If you commented last year on my blogoversary post, please comment again this year and let me know if you're still reading. (Some of you I know.)

If you didn't comment last year, but you want to de-lurk this year and comment, it would make my day! Heck, it would make my week!!!!!! Give me some commenty-love! (You can even be anonymous!) Tell me about you, why you read, and all that good stuff. I've made some wonderful new friends here. They are over there in my right hand column. Thank you all. XOXOXO or group hug... whichever you prefer.

I feel so far behind schedule.... I have T's birthday to document, how wonderful she is, the toe-ring K has started wearing, N starting kindergarten, my class, my BIG DECISION about work, my friend from abroad being here visiting, my new pedicure (Dutch Tulips OPI), ..... Lots!

Happy Blogoversary to me!


RUTH said...

Happy blogoversary:

I haven't been spending as much time in the blogiverse just lately but I always check 3littlegirls when I come by and usually comment. I am the opposite of a lurker... a lurcher?

I like:
- your sense of humour
- the mix of science and family
- the similarities between your life and mine
- having an online friend.

I'm looking forward to the next year.

Anonymous said...

Hey! It's Alice.

You already know that I read... but I have been missing some of the cute little girl stories!

Would you e-mail me the link for your family blog?

Keep blogging!!

and happy Blogoversary!

Anonymous said...

I love that you blog. Keep on keeping on, sister-friend!