Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A sweet spot

When the girls were little, and things were crazy ALL THE TIME, MWH and I used to look forward to the day when the girls were big enough that it was easy. I think the time has arrived for us to enjoy.

The girls are super fun and are all at a wonderful age. They are "big enough," but not too big.They are good conversationalists, rational most of the time, sleep through the night, eat well, and are generally easy to take out and about. They haven't hit puberty yet, so they are still sweet. (I'm hoping we get another summer or two like this, but oNe will be a tween soon... Ai-yi-yi!) I remember HOW HARD it was from 2005 - 2008. It's been slowly getting easier since 2007*. I am definitely counting this time as "the good old days!"

I took this picture on a walk we took after dinner the other night. When they were little, I used to fantasize about the day when I could take them on a walk after dinner. Up until this year, we had too many bedtime meltdowns if we tried to do a walk after dinner. So far, this summer, we have done a few after dinner walks with no bedtime meltdowns. I need to make it a goal to do more after dinner walks in the remaining 4.5 weeks.

*I remember how HUGE of a milestone this was!

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