Thursday, March 17, 2011

Weird Week!

Wow, it's Thursday. Happy St. Patrick's day!

It's been such an odd week. First, the girls were out of school on Monday for a teacher inservice. That's when oNe got sick. She was SOOOOO sick. It felt like she was sick forever, but she was a lot better by Wednesday afternoon. (Was that really just yesterday???) This week seems like it 2 weeks in one. It was very LONG.

On top of the normal week stuff, work, taking care of the girls, cooking, dancing, working out, we've (MWH and I) been washing our hands a few extra thousand times a day and doing lots of laundry. I also was up Monday night with the sick oNe from 3-5 am and Tuesday from 5-6 am.

I'm soooo thankful oNe is better. She slept through the night, last night! Woo! I could document how awful Monday and Tuesday were, in detail, but I don't really have time for that and I'm not sure that is the best use of web space.

I will document that she barely ate or drank anything M - T; I was really, really worried about her. (Feel free to move on to the next paragraph if you're not interested.) She probably drank 2-ish glasses of water on Monday, but they didn't stay down and 3-ish glasses on Tuesday and they mostly stayed down.... Fortunately, she rallied on W, but she still didn't drink that much... 3-4-ish glasses on Wednesday. Thank goodness she is okay. It's so hard to get a kid to drink/eat when they don't feel good. Tuesday night, I'd started fretting about taking her in on W to make sure she wasn't dehydrated. Fortunately, she turned the corner on the illness and was amazingly better W afternoon.

Moving on.

On Wednesday, I went to work for our "BIG MONTHLY MEETING." We have about 60-ish people in the group where I work and this is our check-in. This month's meeting was kind of fun because it was celebrating all the people who got promotions this year. Many people got promoted and I'm genuinely happy for all of them. They've all worked super hard and deserve it. Of course, when others get promotions, you have to look at yourself and ask yourself, why I am not getting promoted? Should I be working harder?

I am working hard, but not as hard as the people who got promoted. The next level up for where I am involves a great deal more responsibility and I'm not ready for it. I have a lot of responsibility as it is--I don't want any more! I have a great deal of autonomy. I'm good! Where I work, we work in teams, and pretty much EVERYONE has something valuable and unique to contribute. That part of where I work is GREAT.

The people who just got promoted are putting in the extra hours nights and weekends. One of the women discussed how she has to give up sleep, on a regular basis. I don't have it in me to give up sleep anymore. Part of it is, I really LIKE what I'm doing, but I don't LOVE it. I'm not leading any projects, or trying to lead any projects because there is nothing I LOVE enough to give up sleep, or anything else.

To help myself remember that I've made the right choice, and not feel bad about no promotion, here are some of the reasons I haven't gotten a big promotion:

I like being able to hang out with MWH and snuggle and watch tv shows for 1/2 hour - 1 hour on Hulu/a DVD at night.
I like hanging with my little girls (who btw aren't so little any more). Right now, I get to hang with them 3 days a week afterschool. I love it!
I like doing Zumba.
I like working out.
I like taking my tap class.
I like helping at the school.
I like teaching an occasional class at the University. (Did I tell you I was invited to teach on this fall at my fav university, OLU? No? Well, I'll have to tell you about that someday.)
I like getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
I like baking.
I like cooking food from scratch.
I like reading about nutrition.
I like thinking about ways to eat in a more healthy manner.
I like blogging.
I like playing in FB.

I don't do anything of these things super well, but I want to keep doing them; they make me happy. I don't want to give up any of these things so I'll just have to settle for no promotions at work anytime soon. Maybe someday, when the girls are off at college, but not right now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heh, I have no problem settling for no promotions. My ego might hurt briefly, but I'd take a demotion if it meant less responsibility :) Just because I'm fortunate enough to be able to do that, and I love doing many of the things you list, too :)