Tuesday, March 15, 2011


is roughly the number of times I washed my hands today. I'm spraying Lysol everywhere, washing my hands, and then dousing myself in hand sanitizer. We're in full containment mode over here.

oNe is doing a leeeeeetle better today. She wouldn't eat much (a handful of oyster crackers) but everything stayed down, so I'm counting it positively. She's asleep right now, and has been since about 6 pm or so. I'm guessing she'll wake up in an hour and eat a little before bed. I sure hope so. Maybe MWH or I will wake her when the others go to sleep and try to get her to eat/drink some more.

How long can kids go without eating? If she were an adult, I would trust her to know, but since she's still a kid, I'm worried. Yesterday, she put her hands on her waist and said, "I feel skinnier." No doubt.... You lost your cookies about 9 times... that'll do it!

In other germ-y news ... Zicam seems to be doing its job on my cold... My nose and head feel pretty good. I need to remember to keep taking it just to be sure.

What else... I did get to go to Zumba today. I worked a little from home, went to Zumba (MWH worked from home while I went) and then picked up the twoK and Three-a and hung with the girls. Since oNe was sick, I didn't get too much work done, but I got to do a puzzle with Three-a and play a game and chat lots with twoK. (twoK didn't want to play the game or do the puzzle.)

I learned, tonight, that twoK likes Peas in her hummus, but NOT hummus in her peas. Order matters.

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