Friday, April 16, 2010


It's Friday afternoon. The older two girls (twoK and oNe) had spring break this week. Three-a had it last week. I wish they'd all had been on break the same week, but, if that's my biggest problem, I'm doing pretty well. Next year, they'll all be at the same school and they will be on break at the same time! (Ask me how excited I am about this!)

It's been a really long time since I've blogged. Embarrassingly long. I have a great deal I have wanted to write about, but I literally have had NO time. I'm going to make a list of topics to start and then figure out what I want to tackle first.

1. Weird antibodies and a visit to the doctor
2. New project at work and travel, UGH.
3. twoK the AMAZING reader
4. 3 pesky little pounds
5. Pilates versus Zumba (Zumba wins, but Pilates is necessary)
6. Eating vegan and making homemade food
7. Upgrading my computer's bibliography program (okay, this one might be a bit of a snoozer)
8. My famous friend
9. the iPad!
10. Planting the garden
11. Cleaning and organizing
12. Wonderful, wonderful MWH
13. Our new couch
14. More work related stuff... (E. o an E.)
15. Ning starting to charge for their online community spaces

Whew, I'm tired just thinking about all I want to blog! I think I'll start with a little Mommy-bragging (#3 from the list).

twoK is an amazing reader! She's in kindergarten and she's reading chapter books. She's been reading them since fall she said. She started with the fairy chapter books, but now she's moved on to Magic Treehouse ones. I'm really proud of her.

oNe is no slouch either. Whereas twoK is challenging herself with reading difficult books, oNe is reading a book a night (in one-half hour before going to sleep). oNe should move on to more challenging books, but she is reading all the time, and she's reading right at or slightly above her grade level, and she's working on reading in a VERY quick manner. She has an excellent understanding of the stories, good retention, and is reading about new topcis.

It'll be super exciting to see Three-a start to read books on her own next year.... MY BABY!!!! Three-a is reading words and can sound out all the sounds and blend them. Not to compare the girls, but Three-a at age 4.5 is better than oNe was at sounding words out. I'm not sure if she's as good as twoK was at 4.5, but she's not bad! (twoK was off the charts!) I love watching them figure out how to read.

Okay, enough for now, I'll come back and cover #1 in a little while. (Just to have full disclosure, the only way I had time to blog this post was by having oNe watch a movie, twoK play on the computer and Three-a watch a different video (on my iPhone.) I LOVE technology. Heh.)

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