1. The girls were really fabulous yesterday (Saturday). I took them to Target and they were so good. We went to a birthday party and again, good. Super fun day with them. We had lunch at our favorite place too.
2. The knees hurt less Saturday than riday. I am pretty sure I have an issue with my right hamstring still.
3. I have about 4 hours of work to do. Ugh. MWH's brother is visiting and I've been busy with cleaning/cooking/hanging.
4. But then, Saturday night, my knee hurt quite a bit in the middle of the night. I woke up because of our cat and needing to go the bathroom. When I got back in bed, my knee was causing me pain. It wasn't bad enough pain to wake me, but once I was awake, I noticed it. I debated about taking an ibuprofen, but that involved getting out of bed, and I don't like to take ibuprofen. I haven't taken more than one or two since March.
I did a lot of stretching and more exercises for my knee... and I played at the birthday party on bouncy mats. It was probably self-inflicted, but it still hurts and if it's made progress on healing, it hasn't made much progress. It's looking better according to the PT, but maybe now is when the clock starts for healing... Now that it's finally in a better position?
Yesterday, it hurt less and I felt good about it, and today it hurts worse and I worry, but maybe it's just the stuff I did yesterday? If I'd just sat around yesterday, I'd probably be MORE worried. I think there is pain involved in healing. What I just don't know is if it's getting worse or just normal pain from using it. Obviously, I don't want pain when I use it, but maybe it's just too soon to not have pain when I use it? Sigh. I go back to the doctor in a week and 1/2. We'll see what happens between now and then.
5. We'll go play at the park with the girls later. I'll try to take it a little easy.
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