My Mom is visiting and I'm feeling a bit over extended. I wrote about my parents here. My Mom is now 3-years older, 3-years slower, and 3-years more forgetful. All things considered, she's okay at 84. The osteoporosis is very bad, but she is in a good frame of mind now. Considering it's only been since January when she lost Dad, I think she's doing really great emotionally.
Anyway, there's more to write about, but I have to get some work done now. Here are some potential things I could discuss:
Our flight back
My knee (I think getting better!)
Recovery times
My back (now in PT for it)
Breastfeeding--not me this time Go read this blog post and weigh in if you like.
Second grade
Kindergarten the second time around... and the great parents in the class!
How Three-a crashed a party
twoK's latest fashion crisis
Vampires (more on this soon--really!)
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