Sunday, August 30, 2009

My new ride

It's pretty tough, eh? My new recumbent exercise bike.

It came last Tuesday. I have ridden it one time so far. When I finish this post, I will go double the amount of time I've spent on it. I'm supposed to ride the bike to cross train my legs for Zumba. The PT is helping, but I probably did a little too much Zumba, and not enough other stuff last week.

I learned that you can lose muscle in a week or two, but it takes 6-8 weeks to build it back. My injury occurred about 6 weeks ago, but I didn't start "fixing" it until about 2 weeks ago, so I have a ways to go.

The other thing I have learned, exercise bikes do not allow a person to burn many calories per minute. On the elliptical, I burn ~12 calories per minute. On the bike, I'm lucky if I can burn 6 per minute.

More soon... I'll try to talk about something other than PT and exercise next time. Maybe, I'll talk about the recent heat wave that broke! It was HOT Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It cooled last night--thank goodness! I was getting melty.

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