Tuesday, June 09, 2009


As I cooked dinner, I watched the three little girls play. They 1) taped oNe a piece of paper because she was a dragon and they had to put her in shackles, and 2) put on their space helmets and flew from their planet to our planet. It takes 25 minutes to get from their planet to our planet. They go very fast. I didn't catch whether they were in our solar system.

I spoke to my Mom too while I was making dinner. She's doing "okay" but certainly not great. When I went home last month, she seemed to have gotten a bit smaller. She's lost a lot of her height due to osteoporosis and now she's losing a lot of weight. She's kind of trying and I think she is depressed so she doesn't feel like eating. I expect she would be depressed. She and Dad were married 62+ years. It's very sad for her to be without him.

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