Friday, June 19, 2009


The other day, Tuesday I believe, oNe got sick. She felt really warm. Our ear thermometer wasn't working very well. We're missing the little cover for it so it is not taking accurate temps. Anyway, oNe was warm! When she gets a temperature, she gets a temperature! When she was little, she routinely showed up as 104 on the thermometer. I had to quickly dispel the notion that she needed to go to the doctor with a fever because she would get over them pretty quickly and she'd respond really well to motrin/advil/ibuprofen. (Obviously, I watched her illness closely, and if she looked like she needed to go to the doctor, I took her.)

I love motrin/advil/ibuprofen.

Once, when twoK was about a year, she had a high fever. It was very scary. I was home alone with twoK and oNe and very pregnant with Three-a. EVERYTHING is scarier when one is pregnant. Anyway, I was holding twoK and she was so hot, and her eyes were kind of rolling around.... Oh, it was scary. Anyway, I gave her a dose of motrin/advil/ibuprofen, started sponging her down with a wet washcloth to cool her, and within 20 minutes she was almost back to normal.

Good stuff that motrin/advil/ibuprofen.

Anyway, today, Three-a has whatever oNe had on Tuesday. oNe slept tons on Tuesday, and Wednesday and was mostly back to normal on Thursday. At that rate, Three-a should be good to go on Sunday. I can't tell if twoK has it or not. She's taking a nap, but she's been sleeping a lot this week because we're doing swim lessons.

Back to Three-a.... She was SOOOOO hot about 1/2 hour ago. I'd given her a dose of motrin/advil/ibuprofen, and it took about an hour for it to kick in for her. She's still hot, but probably a little cooler. I took her temp (underarm) and came up with about 102.8-103.

We're watching "Little Bear" on video now. She's snuggled up next to me. Poor little baby!


Anonymous said...

It is SO hard when they're sick. :( xxoo

PS said...

Oooh! I'll think cool thoughts for her. Go advil!