Thursday, April 03, 2008

Sitting on ice

I should have iced after my workout last night, but I forgot. Now, I'm in some pain. If I ice a lot and if I do lots of sit-ups, my back is not too bad. I haven't been doing enough of either lately. Must do sit-ups EVERY day. (Must remember.)

It's funny, I'm only a week and 1/2 into working less, and already I feel MORE busy and OVERWHELMED. (I haven't taken on anything new yet.) Once, a friend took six months off and she said, "I don't know how I ever found time to work." That's how I feel. I'll come back to this theme later.

The in-laws will be arriving sometime.... Could be today, could be tomorrow. If it were you, would you be bothered by not having "an arrival" time? I'm pretty good with going with the flow, but because of the anxiety around having the house clean, not knowing when they are going to arrive is hard.

Oh, BAD NEWS... Alfred isn't charging. I really dislike vacuuming. (Did I mention it hurts my back? Seriously. It makes my fragile back hurt.) Alfred has spoiled me. We've had him for 2 years. I don't know if it's the end, or what. I did drool over a new Roomba model at the store, the other day. Do you think Alfred felt like I was taking him forgranted? I still love you Alfred.


Anonymous said...

It's been a while since I've commented, but I have to say two things.

One - not having an arrival time from my in-laws would drive me crazy; not having an arrival time from my own mother probably wouldn't bother me though, so take that for what it's worth :).

Two - our Roomba lasted about two years. It all started with charging issues and then went downhill from there. A new battery sorta solved the problem for a few months, but not worth the cost.


Anonymous said...

Egg stopped charging months ago. I was and still am sad. I sorely miss him and hoped to get him fixed but after seeing that comment up there, I'm thinking he's gone, baby, gone. So sad. (I hate vacuuming and so does Nat -- I can't even bribe her to do it!)