Monday, March 03, 2008

Not acceptable!

Tonight, T (2.5) told K (3.75) her behavior was unacceptable. Heh.

I had just scolded K for not eating her apples... She was taking bites of them and spitting them out ... To follow up my scolding T said, "That's unacceptable K____!"

I love it when they help parent. N (6) has been doing a lot of assisting me lately. It's great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha - Anna So told me I needed a time out the other day. It's because I asked her if she needed one. She said: "No, YOU need a time out, Mama!"

Shut me up.

(We've only done time out once so far but they do it at school so she knows what they are)