Wednesday, January 23, 2008


MWH doesn't usually comment on my weight because he's scared he might say the wrong thing. This morning, when he was giving me a hug, said, "Do I feel thinner to you like you feel thinner to me?"

Is that not the most beautiful thing you've ever heard?

We had that awful flu and we both lost about 5 pounds. Neither of us felt like eating after the flu. Seriously. I'm almost back to normal, but not quite. We both are wondering how much we'll gain back. I'm good with gaining back two, but damn if I don't like the number on the scale right now. I still plan to tone and work really hard this year. I plan to call this great gym and set up a time with a personal trainer. I don't have time (nor the desire to spend a ton of money) to go weekly, so I'll see if I can set up something for monthly. (Hey, I just filled out their online form to set something up with them. Woo-hoo! Go me!)

Okay... Class starts soon. I should probably go figure out what I'm going to say. I dutifully created my syllabus--I say dutifully because I have to put in several readings I don't feel are appropriate for the student. I put them in the syllabus, and then, somehow we don't have time to get to them. I doubt my students mind.

1 comment:

RUTH said...

Go you! And it inspired me to post for the first time in ages.