Thursday, January 24, 2008

10 minutes

I have 10 minutes until N3nny leaves today. I don't think I've mentioned lately how much we love her, but we do!

Yesterday, K (3.5) threw a doozy of a fit. She wouldn't go to preschool. N3nny took it in stride. It was nice not to have to deal with criticism from my nanny about my child. MP had some issues with K and my parenting style. MP usually didn't say much, but every once in a while her opinions of my parenting would burst forth and she would leave upset. N3nny isn't yet a parent, but when she is, she'll be much more like the kind of parent I am (only more patient!--she's a saint! I am not!). MP was a very different type of parent. And that's okay.

I didn't set out to write about nanny or parenting issues. Moving back to the point of the post...

Oh, wait there wasn't a point. I was just going to try to catch you up in 10 minutes. (And to record as much as possible so I'd remember later what happened!)

1. The Moms ... My Mom got on a different antibiotic for her bronchitis and it's not making her sick. In retrospect, I don't think she had stomach flu, I think the antibiotic made her sick. My friend's mother-in-law got out of ICU. Yay.

2. T is in a totally two-year-old phase! MWH and I have taken to calling her "Psycho-Jo." The reason we think she's psycho is if you ask if she wants something she'll scream how she most EMPHATICALLY DOES NOT want something. Okay.... Then two seconds later, she'll be screaming about how she WANTS the very thing she was just screaming about not wanting. See? Psycho-Jo. I know this is normal for a two-year-old, but the nickname MWH and I have for her makes us laugh. We aren't calling her that to her face (though we want to!).

3. I have a lot of work to do. C-Report, i-Report (not until Tuesday), self-evaluation, and my class. I'm trying to not stress too much. I'm almost at the end of my rope in terms of how much work I can do without a break. I'm trying to get some time for ME. I've been having trouble staying motivated right now. It's a sign I need a break.

4. Oh, yea, my class. My students seem eager and excited. Yippee. More soon.

5. My friend who recently had the miscarriage just ended another cycle. (Not pregnant. Sigh.)

Okay... 10 minutes is now long gone. So is N3nny. I am sitting watching 2 of the 3 little girls eat dinner. N (6) is lecturing K about eating vitamins. Wow, N got K to taste the vitamin. I am shocked. Yippee.

Little girl #3 (T) is taking her nap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you see my Twitter about calling Anna Sofia a "naphole" (not to her face, of course) because she wouldn't nap. LOL Having a sense of humor definitely is a must for parenting, I think.

Glad N3NNY (I want to call her Nanny-3000, don't ask me why) is such a great fit. Sometimes that's all it is: whether you mesh well with someone or not. Doesn't mean you're bad or they are. Just different. Glad you guys mesh. Also glad your Mom seems to be doing better and that your friend's Mom is out of ICU. I'm just glad all around aren't I? Not glad about your other friend, though. It will happen, right? We know something about that, you and I. ::wink::
