Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Too much

I've got so much to do. I'm always glad that our classes at [local state] university are only 2 days a week. I do a LOT for class. I think my students would like it if I didn't. I'm going to try to make it a slight bit easier for them. I've already slowed things down some.... Okay... This isn't about my students...

About me... yea, I'm NOT wearing that shirt with those pants again. I agree, it just wasn't a flattering look. I thought it would work... My black skirt and that shirt work. I'm still trying to figure out what went wrong with the pants.

Oh yea, it's not about fashion either...

I need to make a decision about the daycare. I don't think it will really help that much. Even if T (2) is in daycare, N (5.5) and K (3) still need to be dropped off at school later so T daycare on MWF doesn't help significantly. We need a MWF nanny from about 11 - 4. T/Th I can find someone else, or do part-time something... I might have a lead for T/Th afternoons.

For MWF, I've decided to do a nanny search with the expensive nanny agency. I've always resisted paying so much, and have done searches with other agencies or by myself, but right now, I'm tired and I need someone quickly. This agency is supposed to be the best.

(To the tune of The Farmer in the Dell.)

A searching I will go. A searching I will go. Hi-ho the dairy-oh, a searching I will go.
We need a nanny... We need a nanny... etc.

Make up a verse (or two or three) and leave me a comment. It will make me smile. I need it! MWH does too. Poor guy has been running after 3 little girls a lot! Poor guy is very busy at work. Thank you MWH.

On another note....I got a letter from MP. She apologized for the way things ended. It was a nice letter. It doesn't change anything.

I'm still in shock that she left. Since August, I have known she wasn't happy, but I am in shock that she was that NOT HAPPY. I just can't imagine being that unhappy. It makes me sad that she felt so unhappy. It makes me sad that she felt that the way it ended (her leaving) was the only way out of the situation.

So, I knew she was unhappy. Truth be told though, I wasn't happy either. She had been expressing her dissatisfaction with the schedule for WEEKS. What was I to do? This was the school schedule. We KNEW it was going to be this way all summer. We had been discussing potential solutions for weeks. I'd printed out the schedule at the beginning of August and she gave me a look like, you've got to be kidding.

I'd been presenting alternatives, but she never seemed to like any of the alternatives. Every time we spoke about options, she'd say "it'll work out, it always does." I believed her. Apparently I made the mistake of believing her when she said it would work. Sigh. I wish she'd been more honest with me about her feelings earlier. I wish I'd have just said, it's not working, but I thought she wanted it, or something, to work. I guess not. It all was too much.

I believe she had a solution in her mind, to make her happy, but it was one that would have cost me more money. The solution (I think she wanted) would have involved sending N and K to the after school care programs at their schools. Given that 1. I had a nanny (her), 2. that I was already paying a small fortune for having a nanny (her), 3. that N really doesn't LIKE (and I heard all about it) the programs, the afterschool programs were not a potential solution (in my mind).

Okay... there you go.

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