Monday, April 30, 2007


One of my students asked me, "Are we going to cover anything important today?"

Yes, my reply was, "It's all important."

Two of my students don't get that when I stand up in the front of the room trying to start class, and they keep talking, and I ask, "Do you need another moment?" that I'm being sarcastic. They frequently say, "Yes! Thanks!" And keep on talking.


Mrs. CP said...

I'd ask them to take their "moment" elsewhere and come back when they're ready to learn. Gheesh. The disrespect is unbelievable! I think you should have me come out as a special guest speaker and I'll just clue these kids in to how amazing and cool and brilliant you are.

RUTH said...

Clearly your scathing tone needs practice. Students are the perfect vehicle for this. Little kids aren't.

Is there research on the development of understanding and using sarcasm?

Anonymous said...

Hey--it's all about them, isn't it?

My dad's teaching a computers course at the college there. He has to stop, though, because they make him crazy. Apparently they can't remember anything he says from one week to the next.

I like the pictures!