Monday, April 02, 2007


Recently I saw a colleague from another institution. I don't see him very often. The last time I saw him was probably last summer. The last time I saw him, he flattered me and told me I didn't look like I had 3 kids. Again, he tells me this. Tell me do, what is a woman supposed to look like if she has 3 kids?


Mrs. CP said...

Hmm, I don't know about women specifically, but R observed (during pre-marriage days) while on a trip to Disney World with the K family -- it was the summer I was with you guys -- that the parents walking around Disney with 2 kids were happy, calm and having a good time. He also perceived that the families with 3 children were frazzled, stressed, and worn out. So it took him a bit before he was sure he wanted to have 3 kids. He didn't want to look like one of those parents. So maybe this guy just think you look to calm and collected to have 3 children and that you should be me frantic-looking or looking like you've given up on life (as R calls it).

Mrs. CP said...

oops, sorry for the typos! It must be the spider venom in me -- it's affecting my brain. :-)

Anonymous said...

Old and haggard. Like me!