Friday, March 09, 2007


I was all set to send N (5) to preschool this morning and then she whined at me about how tired she was. Since I was feeling tired this morning too, I was sympathetic. I asked MWH what he thought and he thought she was probably trying to manipulate me and not go.

Sidebar: Normally N loves preschool, but the last week or so she's been a little sick and trying to get out of it. I imagine it's a phase that will pass soon.

Anyway, I waffled. Back and forth... Send her, don't send her. I didn't really want to send her, but Mary Poppins agreed with MWH... I decided to be "tough" and send her to school.... And then I felt her forehead. She was hot. I took her temperature and it said 103. She'd even had ibuprofen. Miss N always runs hot when she has a fever. Needless to say, she didn't have to go to preschool. She certainly didn't look like a kid with a fever of 103, but she did look a little off.

I had several phone meetings today and a haircut appointment... And I decided to take myself to the doctor. N went with me to the haircut and then one of our wonderful college students came and got her so I could go to the doctor by myself. I was going to urgent care because I couldn't get in to ANY DOCTOR in the practice I see until Monday... I didn't want to take N with me not knowing how long I might be waiting there.

Note though, I did my haircut first and then the doctor... Priorities... Heh. But seriously, I made this appointment 5 weeks ago and I NEEDED to go. I went to a new person. So far, so good. I am breaking up with yet ANOTHER hair dresser (the one I've been seeing since 12/05). MWH laughs at how fickle I am with regard to hair people. I'm a love-em and leave-em kind of girl. MWH is glad I am only that way to hair stylists. I am truly devoted to almost everything else in my life... Same job for almost 10 years... Same MWH for almost 11. About 10 hairdressers in 11 years....So, pretty much, it sucks to be my hairdresser.... or maybe I just haven't met the right one. I am hopeful about this new one... I'll tell you more about her later.

Anyway, at the doctor.... I was diagnosed with bronchitis and got my antibiotics. I don't like antibiotics. I haven't been sick enough to warrant antibiotics since 1999.... Oh, actually I guess I had one bladder infection while I was pregnant with T in 2005, but I wasn't sick... It just showed up on the routine culture they run. I wasn't happy about needing antibiotics... But I digress. This was my first bronchitis diagnosis. Sigh.

I definitely feel that I'm running a little over my limit in terms of responsibilities right now. Oh, and then I found out my parents want to come visit for 10 days in April... While I am excited to see them, when they visit, it's work. You can look in November 2005 archives to learn more about why, if you want. I'm too tired and sick to go look up the post I made back then and link to it. (Edited: Link below now....)

That's kind of why I took myself to the doctor today... not because my parents are visiting, but because I feel BLAH. My cough wasn't that bad, but I find myself feeling more and more run down... and no desire to do anything... Very unlike me. I even almost cried yesterday... VERY unlike me.

Anyway... I'm now going to rest until MWH gets home to relieve the nanny... I'm not sure I remember how to rest during the day... It's been so long since I've done it.

Oh... One good thing at the doctor...
I want their scale...
I need their scale...
I love their scale...
My weight, fully clothed (with jeans and all) was 8 pounds lighter than I expected! I think their scale was a little on the light side... I can see being 3 pounds lighter because I haven't felt like eating that much since I've been sick... but 8!!! In jeans! According to their scale I'm only 1 pound away from my goal weight... It is a lie, but I am enjoying and reveling in it right now.

Edited to add the link that my friend Ruth found for me... Thanks Ruth! here's the link. Seriously, thank you for finding the link.

1 comment:

RUTH said...

Poor you. I had bronchitis at the beginning of last year, I decided I really should go to the doctor when I started using H's asthma inhaler and finding it really helped.

And here for your convenience is the November 2005 link: . Trying to reach across the Pacific and lend a hand.