Saturday, March 10, 2007

don't come over today...

I have declared that we are all sick and that no one is going any where until we are all well. As soon as I said this, N (5), without missing a beat, said, "But we can go shopping. We need some food."

Alas, she is right.

MWH is feeling sick too. He got up in the middle of the night (Thursday to Friday) when I was too exhausted and when K (2.75) was calling for him. (Yay was what I had to say about her calling for HIM!) Thursday to Friday night, I stayed in bed all night for the first time in a long time.

When MWH got up yesterday (Friday), he hinted at how exhausted he was (from getting up in the middle of the night) and that he felt like he was getting sick. I didn't feel sorry for him. I am a bad wife. Actually, I am a sick person. I have no sympathy at the moment because I have been going with a cold/bronchitis for 3 weeks now. I'm not expecting sympathy from any person out there because I chose to keep going. But now, I need some help. I am so exhausted. I reached the end of my rope. Not the "true end" but the "if I don't stop now, I will be really really really reallly sick" end. I felt the warning of this yesterday, and that is why I went to the doctor.

This morning (Saturday), MWH woke up sick too. We both feel achy and exhausted. I am now feeling a little sorry for him. I am grateful that he feels up to going out and getting food for us.

N wanted to go to gymnastics and that is when I declared our self-imposed quarantine...

I am rambling... I am tired. I think it's going to be a long weekend dealing with 3 little girls who are very bored and stuck at home with parents who are barely moving. Maybe we should get a new video or two.

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