Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Updates (all over the map)

No real new news since last night about my Mom... She woke up, talked about how sore she was (you would be too if someone had manhandled your organs!), and then wanted to sleep. My brothers have seen her since the surgery, but she's very tired. They think she looks pretty good considering. I haven't gotten my Dad today. I think he's pretty tired and I think he's turned off the cell phone because 1) he's tired of talking to people and 2) he's worried he'll go over the minutes available on his plan.

Last night, I thought N (4 and 3/4s) was coming down with another cold. Today, she seems fine... The fever thing (last week) just lasted 2 days and no other symptoms. So weird.

I did a videoconference today. That means, that I got to see myself "on the screen" and really look at my hair.... I can't decide whether I should keep my hair growing a little longer, or cut it. My hair stylist is doing a pretty good job at keeping my hair low maintenance as it gets longer, and it looks better than I would have expected at this length. I still think I like it shorter, but it might be nice to see it a little longer and then decide (though I'm pretty darn sure I like it about 1/2 inch to an inch shorter than it is). At the length it is, I have to do about 2 minutes of styling at the current length (as opposed to 20 seconds if it were an inch shorter)... I think I can handle 2 minutes. Such complicated decisions.

Work is getting busier... I had wanted it to be slow in November / December. I don't have any idea how I'm going to get holiday stuff done. I'm pretty sure I won't have any fun since I'm this busy.

I have longer posts on K and T coming soon.

Anything else I've forgotten to update about? Oh, yea.... the remodel... I'll post a separate post about that. I am tired though so we'll see when it happens.

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