Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Feeling insignificant

I'm working on a new project. It's in a new area that I really want to think about. I should be really excited about it, but I am not.

Mostly I am not excited because I feel like a second-class citizen on the project. Another colleague and I did a pretty large literature review last spring and we have a huge interest in this area. However, the project leader doesn't ever listen to things I say even though I have done a lot of reading. It's a little lot frustrating.

Partly I am not excited because the project seems like it's going to be difficult to work on. For example, 1) it's already had significant delays due to the need for a contract renegotiation 2) we're working with another large organization 3) the joys that go along with working with another organization and I'm sure we'll have some major coordination issues.

Okay... This is the sound of me sucking it up and trying to be more positive from here on out about this project. I'll keep you posted.

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