Friday, November 24, 2006

A few T things

Note, this post kind of rambles because it was started on 11/10 and finished 11/23.

T's new words (as of 11/10)

choo-choo (as in train) (it sounds remarkably like shoe-shoes, but only said in the context of trains as opposed to shoe-shoes which is said in the context of shoes or feet)
E-I-E-I-O (as in Old Mac Donald although she usually doesn't say the O)
Wheeeee! (said in many different contexts... Often when sliding at the park.)
What's this

She really communicates well for a 14.5 month old. (And when she can't communicate well, she just screams until she gets what she wants. It is very effective.) Her other words are here and here. (There are more language related things, and you can always click on the T category to read more about her. I need to categorize a few more things (like all of the posts between January and July!).)

Mommy muses about E-I-E-I-O
One thing I think is kind of funny... E-I-E-I-O was one of the first things N sang (tried to sing) at about 15-ish months of age. I remember noting that K was also doing it about the same age as N did, but I can't find a reference to it in my baby notes/journal from her (pre-blog). Now T is doing it at around the same age. When the other girls sing songs, T jumps in and says "E-I-E-I-O." That's her contribution to singing. Everytime. It always CRACKS ME UP.

A T story
T decided that she didn't want to sit in her high chair any more about on Monday 10/30. This is about how old K (30 months) was when she decided the same thing. N sat in her high chair, happily, until I made her get out of it at about 3.5 years old. (And it was about a week after I made N get out of hers that K decided she was done with hers... Coincidence? I think not.)

I ordered the chair for T on 10/30 and about a week later it arrived in a big box. All 3 little girls were totally intrigued by this box. Here are a couple of shots showing the sisters tearing into the box. Literally. It took them all of 3 minutes to get it open. (I was hoping for the distraction to last longer, but alas, they were on a mission!) Pretty funny. Collaboration is what I call it. (heh)

T loves her new chair. She sits in it proudly. We still strap her into the high chair occasionally when we need to run around and chase other little girls. She's just getting so big though. She looks totally at ease in her new chair.

A little more Language
This past weekend (11/18 and 19) she really seemed to be getting more language skills. She started saying and signing, "all done." She looked so proud when she did the sign for the first time. I was proud too.

She also said..."nurse" as she patted my b*r*e*ast. I am pretty sure it was a statement (demand), not a question.

She knows her nose, toes, head, belly, and foot. We're working on ears now.

The other night she walked in and found our cat and said... "Who is this. What is that?" Seriously... as CLEAR as a bell. She then tried to Meow.

She is ALWAYS asking, "Who dat," "What is that?" or "What is this?" now. It is cute. The frequency of this asking definitely increased significantly over the weekend.

Other stuff
On Sunday, T decided she was a Daddy's Girl! It was very cute. It was all about DADDY! ALL! DAY!

T had her 15 month check up and she was about 31 inches long (about 75th length) and 23.5 pounds (about 60th weight). Her head didn't grow. T's regular pediatrician (I heart her!) was not concerned!

My baby is growing up. (I don't think I have a baby any more, technically. I am sad, but also happy.)

1 comment:

RUTH said...

H & K are still in high chairs. They like the ergonomics better than being on an adult chair. I have been thinking about getting something in between. What is T's new chair like?