Friday, September 08, 2006

Several posts

Several posts are floating around in this stressed out head of mine.

I've called this blog an external memory device before. Today I'm going to call it a pensieve and hope that somehow this post will magically organize itself.

I tried a soft drink sucralose aka splenda today. Ummm, YUCK!

I can't drink nutrasweet (it gives me killer headaches) and wanted to try sucralose to see if I could drink it. I love real coke (with sugar). I don't like corn syrup. I'm not sure why I thought I might like an artificial sweetner. Maybe I just wanted to try it to confirm to myself that I didn't like it.

Next topic

Ohhhhh boy! I. am. so. full. of. milk. it. is. ridiculous. I am thinking of pumping, but I know that will only prolong the agony a little. What is happening is during the weekend, T (1!) is nursing a lot since I'm around a lot and I offer a lot. She accepts because she likes nursing a lot. Then I go to work during the week and most days she only nurses 3 times a day during the week as opposed to 5 plus on the weekend. We're NOT weaning. K (28 months) is still nursing 2x a day. My poor b*r*e*a*s*t*s are confused! You know nursing is supply-demand... I have a very excessive supply during the week and I. am. in. pain. It's not an infection. It's just engorgement. My shoulders are sore again. Actually, my arms and back are all sore. I'm actually happy that it wasn't just the non-nursing bra the last time.

Next topic

We treated our kitty and the vet thought that most likely the month-long, totally-kill-and-disrupt-the-flea-cycle stuff we put on him should take care of the whole problem. That we wouldn't even need to treat the carpet It's certainly better. N is healing and not getting any new bites. I sure hope we're done with fleas.

Next topic

Still working on this paper for work. I totally have a love-hate relationship with this process of writing for publication. I'm starting to turn the corner on this paper. If we only had about 2 more weeks for this draft I would be good. This draft is being sent out for comments. It's NOT the final draft. It's the final FIRST draft. That's what I have to keep reminding myself.

Next topic

Mary Poppins (our nanny) is not going anywhere. I am so ecstactic. We figured out something for the short-term to help things (financially) and we'll start looking for a long-term family that works with our schedule now too. Whew!

Next topic

Right at this moment (5:30-6:30) N (4.5) is painting t-shirts for her sisters. She is quite good. Much better than I could do. My little artist. That's why I'm getting to blog. I'm supervising. I didn't tell her what to do. I handed her the fabric paints and the shirt and she went to town. I am really impressed with her abilities. Yea, I'm the Mom, and probably easily impressed, but she's so confident and happy when she's creating. She just started and knew exactly what she wanted to do. I wish I had her confidence in the things I do. I hope she is always so confident. I want 3 strong-willed, confident, smart girls who turn into strong-willed, strong, confident, smart women. (Yea, I know the teenage years are gonna SUCK.)

The top shirt is T's (1 year) and N painted purple cows with blue spots. She also added a Moon and stars at the top of the painting. (I need to take a picture of the finished product.) The bottom one is for K (28 months) and has a beach scene and then under the ocean.

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