Saturday, September 09, 2006

Short one!

Today I have been working on one section of that paper. It's only got to be 5 paragraphs (approximately). I have about 6 paragraphs written /outlined. I think I've spent about 2.5 hours working on the paper and then I've been sidetracked into other (related) work for about 2.5 hours. It's really hard for me to sit down and write this paper because it's about a project that is currently happening. When I write things, then I realize there are things I need to go do. This makes the writing S-L-O-W going. There are always 10,000 more things I could be doing for this project. Of course, I do have a finite amount of time and a finite budget. I came up with something new and cool to do with the project today. Let's hope my boss thinks so.

Next steps on the paper (external memory device):

Write some tips for another section
Write some tips from the 6 paragraphs
Write the 5 paragraphs about the T/N-Group

In other work related news, I have decided to start another blog where I can consider an aspect of my work. I really like the "post" as an organizational structure. It works for me. I can't let myself start this new blog though until AFTER this paper deadline (Friday--big party!).

In other news, my left eyebrow is almost not twitching. I spent time reading a book last night! For fun! A novel idea. (Heh, pun intended!)

In other news, I've decided to make a dinner menu that will cover at lease MONTH and use that as a guide for me and my grocery shopping. I'm sure this is probably a tip from FlyLady but I've never actually had time to read that site. I just know I probably should. HEH... TOO BUSY TO READ A WEB SITE ABOUT GETTING ORGANIZED AND SAVING TIME. How sad is that?

Lastly, the way I write best is to work for .5 to 1.5 hours and then get up and do something else for 5-10 minutes. Is that a symptom of Mommy-brain? Or is that just part of the writing process? (It's how I've always worked best, so I don't think it's a Mommy-brain thing.)

1 comment:

Mrs. CP said...

Hey, I'm a flybaby! I don't know if you knew that...anyway, I'll have to tell you about the Menu-Mailer thingy. We started it in Jan. 05 and are still using it!