Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Miss N

Tonight, Miss N (4 and 2/3s) would not let me help her do anything to get ready for bed. She gave herself a bath (I supervised), she brushed her own hair, (I got to brush on the pretext of brushing and looking for whether she needed a haircut or not (she does, and I knew that, but that was my excuse to get the brush)), she blew her hair dry, and she brushed her teeth (put the toothpaste on too). It's kind of funny to me that almost exactly a year ago she decided she was going to dress herself and now tonight she decided to do all the other grooming care.

She is also getting more and more helpful. As in actually helpful. Sometimes she's not, but usually she is. Wow. They grow up so fast! She told me tonight that she was learning to sound words out too. We'll see when we read books in a moment.

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