Saturday, September 02, 2006

Holiday weekend

We often fall prey to the misconception that it's easier to stay home with little ones. By the end of a whole day home with the girls my husband and I are exhausted. Granted, it's harder to pack up all the stuff and head out for an overnight, but day trips make life easier actually. This weekend we are doing activities everyday!

Today was the Kid's Museum.
Tomorrow is a party with a bouncy house and lots of kids.
Monday we may just drive to a new cool park that we haven't been to yet.

The children's museum today was fun in the we-have-3-kids-under-5-and-we-have-to-be-on-high-alert-all-the-time way, but it was fun. We went with a friend and her little girl. We had a picnic outside. After we got home, Miss K (27 months) wouldn't take a nap. She's really getting close to giving up her nap. She seems too young to not be napping, but on days when she does nap she doesn't fall asleep until midnight... or later. She only needs 10-12 hours of sleep a day it seems. In my opinion, not enough, but she. just. won't. sleep. more.

She is still sleeping snuggled up next to me most nights. She is my snuggly girl.

Tonight Miss N (4.5) has been all about me and that's really unusual. It's nice, but unusual.

Sorry this is so boring... I'm even boring me tonight. I'm still sort of sucked in by my work paper. (I got some positive feedback on it, so yay me. I am glad I got positive feedback on it because yesterday, when I got home from work, I was really really really bummed about something. The day started off really nice, but then ended weird. Anyway... Maybe tomorrow I will be more fun.)

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