Sunday, September 03, 2006


We just returned home from the party. It's a party that one Mommy friend has hosted for the last 3 years. I met this woman, the Mommy, through the Mom's group I was in when N (4.5) was a baby. Our Mom's group was a really great group of women. We were all in our 30's or 40's when we had our kids. I was one of the younger ones. Where I live, it's not unusual for women to be older and having kids. I find that even though in most parts of the country I would be old, here, I am on the younger side of average. Another common thing among our group is that we all were very into our careers. We all were and still are working. We try to do dinner (without the kiddos) about once a quarter. It's fun to catch up.

It's a lot of fun to get together with the kids and see the other little ones who were the first born children. Now we can also see the younger siblings of the kids. Almost everyone had at least one more, and some have had 2 more (me and another woman). One has had 3 more, but she had a set of twins in there. It was just so wild to see all the chaos and kid activity at the party. If you'd showed us a video 4 years ago (when our wee ones were about 6-9 months old) and told us this would be our lives in 4 short years NONE OF US WOULD HAVE BELIEVED IT.

Anyway, it was good and fun. Now we're home and one of the 3 little girls is napping (T -- 1!) and K (almost 28 months) and N (4.5) are watching a video. Both N and K suddenly became interested in princesses and we have much princess interest. We are watching a Dis*ney Princess DVD. I'd prefer to watch a more educational video, but it's not terrible. There are worse things than watching a video about princesses for an hour or so a day. Someday I'll write more about this, but not today.

Today, I have to go back to working on that paper. I'm at a point of needing to reorganize and pull some more ideas in to the paper, so I'm dreading it a bit. It won't be too bad, but I need 2 hours or so to sit and think and write. I should take advantage of the time I have right now, but I need my cup of tea first! Caffeine is my friend and helps me think. Oh Caffeine, how I love thee.


Caffeine Mottos

I am only as strong as the coffee I drink
Life without caffeine is not worth living
If it doesn't have caffeine in it, it's not worth drinking
Coffee is my friend

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