Friday, September 15, 2006


Sigh. I am bored and restless.

I think I am just tired. I have gotten up early all week and stayed up late writing. Tonight my co-author is keeping the draft and I'm not supposed to worry about it until tomorrow afternoon. Yippee. We worked so hard to meet the deadline of the today for the paper, and we didn't finish. I think that's bringing on some of the blah feeling.

It's not the end of the world. I knew two weeks ago we wouldn't make it. That we would end up taking this weekend too. I wish I would have planned to get a babysitter. My poor husband will have to do a little extra. I am hopeful we can finish by Monday. I think we can.

I am hopeful that I can work 2-3 hours tomorrow and 2-3 on Sunday and then hopefully we can send it off on Monday. The one thing I should be very glad about is that I am actually getting paid to write this paper. Often times I have to write papers in my spare time. That's always fun. (I do so much volunteer work for my job. I'm not complaining, but I am tired.) (I went today to a meeting with some other folks and though there are parts of their work lives that I like, I wouldn't actually want to work there I decided. I thought I might have before today's meeting. I was wrong. And it was just a meeting, not an interview or anything.)

The cool news... Miss N (4 and 2/3s) is painting a t-shirt for me. I'll take a picture soon.

What else? My Mom's birthday is coming up. I need to figure out something to get her.

What else....? I just got a potential new client at work asking me to write a proposal to do a project I like. I am excited about it, but I still have that unsettled feeling. I think I will feel better tomorrow after 1) watch a Buffy episode, and 2) get some sleep!

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