Monday, August 28, 2006

little rant

I work in a place that is very innovative.

But it's killing me.

Seriously... We're always supposed to be coming up with new and better ideas and acting on them. ALWAYS. Sometimes you just can't do that. Do you know how tiring it is to ALWAYS be thinking of new and better ways to do things???? I AM SO TIRED. I know I am good at what I do... WHY DO I ALWAYS have to innovate.

I just had a conversation with one of the people I work with... She's totally wanting us to be more innovative... That we're boring if we don't. That we need to keep trying on new and different activities. Yea, but what about just doing the same thing and trying to innovate and improve on that one thing? Why do we have to do so many different things? Why not get really really really good at one thing??????? At moments like this I want to run to a different organization. I don't know which one, but yea... I'm tired.

I know I'm not alone in this feeling.... I know there are other places I could go and be happy. I know there are other things I could do.

I'm sure this post will disappear soon.

1 comment:

Mrs. CP said...

Ack! No running! No running allowed! :-)