Thursday, July 20, 2006


I saw this on Nino's blog and wanted to do it

[a is for age:]
thirty-something! I have to do math to remember how old I actually am. In my mind I am not any older than 31. In reality, I am closer to 40 than 30, but I am firmly thirty-something. And since 50 is the new 30, I'm only in my teens!

[b is for booze of choice:]
I actually don't like the taste of any. I used to drink tequilla in my crazy youth.

[c is for career:]

[d is for your dog's name:]
Don't have a dog right now. We will when the girls are older. I really like the name Xena. She'll be a big, happy, black mutt-of-a-dog. The last dog I had was named Puff.

[e is for essential items you use/love everyday:]
My powerbook. I love my Mac! I can't stand to be away from it for very long. My husband... (same thing, I can't stand to be away from him for very long!). My little girls... same thing!

[f is for favorite song(s) at the moment:]
My formative years were late 80s early 90s tunes. I so rarely get to listen to my own music in the car any more that I can't tell you anything off the top of my head.

[g is for favorite games:]
I used to love this game. I played it for many hours when I should have been writing my dissertation. Someday I'll have time to play it again.

[h is for hometown:]

[i is for instruments you play:]
Flute, not for years though.

[j is for jam or jelly you like:]
My friend makes a freezer jam that I love, it was raspberry last summer and it was the best jam I've ever had. I'm not a big fan of the stuff otherwise.

[k is for kids:]
Three. Hence, the blog.

[l is for last kiss:]
My wonderful husband. (New nickname for my husband ... MWH for short!)

[m is for most admired trait:]
Intelligence and humor. (Both traits of MWH)

[n is for name of your crush:]
MWH, followed by Alan Alda (but he's a little old for me). (But note, the similarities between MWH and Alan... They are both smart and funny. My husband is more handsome though! But Alan, he is very dignified looking... and in his younger years, fairly cute.)

[o is for overnight hospital stays:]
One for each little girl. (Two nights with N and one night with K and T.)

[p is for phobias:]
Spiders. I have a "spider scream." I see one and I do this distinct scream and my husband comes running. The bigger the spider the LOUDER the scream. I'm not paralyzed by them, but I really don't like them.

[q is for quotes you like:]
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead

[r is for biggest regret:]
I try not to do things I'll regret. Even things that don't always work out the best way usually have a positive side to them. Call me an optimist.

[s is for sweets of your choice:]
Chocolate. I prefer it in the form of a Mocha or ice cream.

[t is for time you wake up:]
Every day is different. K is our alarm clock these days. We rarely get up before 8, and sadly, even more rarely get up after 10.

[u is for underwear:]

[v is for vegetables you love:]
Spinach is one of my faves... as in salad... A lot of others.... (peas, corn, tomatoes, broccoli, zucchini, red pepper, etc.)

[w is for worst habit:]
Blogging too much?
Not cleaning enough.
Stressing out over the little unimportant things.
Not having enough confidence.
Take your pick! You choose which is the worst!
(Using exclamation points too often is also an option!)

[x is for x-rays you've had:]
Dental and when I broke my arms. I've broken 3 arms. One when I was 8, then 14 and then 24. I hope I've outgrown that!

[y is for yummy food you make:]
I bake a mean cake. I won first prize in a cook-off (for my Tres Leche cake).

[z is for zodiac sign:]

Now you know my ABC's... Play along with me and do this on your blog and leave me a comment to tell me you've done it! Everyone is tagged if they want to be!

Oh... One funny alphabet and T (11 months) thing. She will grab our alphabet toy from the refrigerator and make it sing the ABC's and then she'll go ... AAAAAAAAAAAY! So cute. I do think it's imitation. She's learning to talk! (Still not an official walker.)


Anonymous said...

This was fun to read! I may do it on my blog soon. All of your worst habits are mine, too. Curious about the cake....can you describe and/or send the recipe?

Mrs. CP said...

Alan Alda?? Ok, first I didn't know who that was till I clicked the link and saw his picture. Then I recognized him. But, Alan Alda?? Your most wonderful husband is much more handsome!! Am I allowed to say that?? (Side note: I overuse question marks apparently) :-)