Sunday, May 07, 2006

K ended an era

Yesterday, K (almost 2) woke up from her nap. She called to us. I was in the midst of a cleaning frenzy and my husband was doing something with N (4) and T (8.5 months) so we left her in her crib for a few minutes. All of a sudden, K appeared. She had climbed out of her crib. It didn't surprise me, in fact, the fact that she's been contained while in her crib up until now is what surprised me. She is a climber.

This morning she got out of her crib on her own again.

A couple of months ago we decided to buy another crib for T because we didn't to give up having K contained in her crib. Now, we can only hope that at least the crib will slow her down a bit (as opposed to the ease of getting in and out of a bed). We'll see how long it is until K is pole-vaulting out of her crib.

(Remember, K is the girl who started doing summersaults off of my furniture, with perfect form, when she was 17 months.)

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