Sunday, May 07, 2006


I have a lot I want to write, but right now, I want to be one with my pillow. However, T (8.5 months) doesn't want me to be asleep. I got up so that her father could sleep a bit more. He'll have to be the brains behind the operation today. T has a little cold and is just not sleeping well.

Yesterday I finally figured that she has a cold or something... She's coughing some, her nose is running, and the saddest thing is she's kind of moaning all night long while sleeping. I gave her baby tylenol last night. This morning she woke up at 5:45 to nurse and I figured she'd sleep until 7:40 like she did yesterday. Nope. She wanted to get up at 6:30.

I don't do 6:30.

Did I ever tell you about my trick for when my kids wake up too early? Put the playpen in front of the tv filled with toys and turn on a B*aby E*instein. I dozed for about an hour. I'm still exhausted, but at least it's not 6:30 any more. It's still way too [insert colorful adjective] early.

Yesterday afternoon I cleaned my kitchen floor... I won't tell you the last time this occurred, because I won't humiliate myself like that, but it's been a while. T is now crawling all over it. She's happy as a clam exploring in there. Usually I stop her because I don't want her crawling on the dirt, but today, it is clean so she can crawl. It gleams! It shines!


Yesterday morning we went to a picnic at N's (4) preschool. They had bouncy houses. It was a fun time. We went with my friend who is moving out of the country and her two kids. (Her daughter goes to school there too.) I haven't written about this friend much. She is a big part of my life, but I feel odd writing about someone who is not me, my husband, or my kids.

She's a great person. I met her in a completely different context of my life, a long time ago. Heck, we were in a completely different location than where we live now. We ended up in the same place, our husbands worked at the same company for a while, we take a jazzercise class together, and then we had kids around the same time so we have much in common and now many years in common.

When she got pregnant with her first, I was pregnant too. We were due a week apart. I had a miscarriage and she had her little girl. I didn't actually speak to her very much the last 4 months of her first pregnancy. It was too hard. I didn't speak to her very much after the baby was born until I was pregnant. I sent a card and gift, but I couldn't call. After N was born we patched up our friendship. It took a while. Nothing was ever said explicitly, but she knew what happened. Fortunately for me, she understood. (That was the hardest time for me, and I'm so thankful that I have children. Even if they get me up at 6:30.)

I'm not going to write much more about her, because she is not me, my husband or my kids, but suffice it to say, I will miss her. A lot. I haven't even really begun to process how much I will miss her. We do plan to go abroad and see them. That statement should tell you a lot. I really don't like to travel.

Tonight, we are going to go to their house for the first BBQ of the season. Or is it pool party... It started as a BBQ but morphed into a pool party and no BBQ.

I will miss her.

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