Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Two nursing things

1. You know you've been nursing for too many years when you can't get your least favorite nursing bra to fasten and you pull up your shirt while facing your picture window and try to fiddle with it. You're just happy that no one was walking by at that moment, but who knows if someone saw you from across the street in their house. You check out how much you can see in other people's windows and conclude that most likely no one saw anything, but they might have. Oh well.

2. If you nurse you will eventually learn how to feel yourself up to tell how full you are. If I'm uncertain as to whether I should pump or not I just give "the girls" a squeeze. I can tell if I'm full enough or if it will be futile. Regardless of how long you nurse, and how mature your husband is in all other situations, he will laugh in a teenage boy way when he sees you do this.

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