Saturday, April 22, 2006

Real World Day

Today was mostly an offline day. I only got to go online about 3 times, maybe 4 and I pretty much had prescribed tasks during those times. I didn't even get antsy when I wasn't online because we went to this great park with the girls. This park (HH) has a petting zoo, rides, playground equipment, and food.

We only make it there once a year it seems and every time we go I always wonder why we don't go more often. I'm going to try and make it back to the park again soon. Maybe we don't go more because the girls are still so young. It is a great park and we had a lot of fun there today! The weather was kind of cool, but actually much nicer than being HOT, and the park was not crowded at all. EXCELLENT!

After we got home, both K and T took long naps and I made a yummy pasta dinner (spinach, cherry tomatoes, veggie Italian sausage, onions, parmesan cheese and fusilli). After dinner we took a walk. N (4) kept saying, "We're having family time." She pushed T (8 months) in the stroller the whole time we walked. We stopped at this little park on the way home and she parked the stroller and said, "You watch T__ Mom while I play." So cute! She also got winded while pushing the stroller and she said, "Boy, it's tough to be 4." Yup, and it just gets tougher the older you are kiddo.

It was a really nice family day.

Tomorrow (Sunday), N (4) and I are going to have a Mommy and Me day. She and I are going to go to lunch and then take in a show. I am excited.

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