Sunday, April 23, 2006

A little funk

I'm in a little funk. N (4) and I had a great day, but I'm tired and my back still hurts. My back hurts down my legs. Today it also hurts on the right side near my shoulder. Ibuprofen is helping, but it depresses me when my back hurts so much that I have to take ibuprofen. I am lucky that ibuprofen takes away most of the pain, but I just want to feel good--who doesn't though?

I still have to write about Easter (last week) and my day with N. Maybe I'll tackle Easter now and tell you about today later....

Easter was a fun day complete with cute little girls in bunny ears, chocolate and hanging out. What's not to like? We didn't do anything earth shattering on Easter because it's not a huge holiday in our house.

We did take a family walk and on the way home, we got caught in a downpour. It had been cloudy off and on all day, but we left for our walk when the sun was bright and shiny. We were about 8 minutes from home and by the time we got there we were all soaked. Pour little T (8 months). She and N (4) were riding in the double stroller. K (23 months) was walking so my husband picked her up and she rode on his shoulders. K thought this rainstorm was hilarious. She loved being on her daddy's shoulders while he ran. She was laughing and laughing. On the other hand, poor T, she thought the sky was falling and howled the whole way home. I felt so bad, but all I could do was put my coat over her head to help keep the rain off of her (futile), and that just made her howl louder.

When we got home she had the most outraged expression on her face. I wish I could have captured it, but Mommy's instinct was to comfort her, not take her picture. We quickly plopped the 3 soaking wet cold little rugrats in the bath and snapped some pictures of 3 little girls. The cuteness factor was incredibly high. I'd share the pictures, but I don't really want those picts of my little ones on the web. However, I will share a picture of K (23 months) and T (8 months) playing with their kitchen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh, they have the fancy kitchen! Very cool. So cute to see them playing together, isn't it? So, T didn't appreciate her first outdoor shower, eh? Poor thing! Although, I bet she loved her bath after that!